IDEAS output files included in this directory are: S3V2_IDEAS_hg38_r3_withHg38Mm10prior.state: The Epigenetic states and position classes for the human (hg38) hematopoietic system. The Joint epigenetic states were used as prior IDEAS epigenetic state. First 4 columns are index, chr, position_st position_ed (position_ed will be the same as position_st if only one position for each window is provided in input) The next N columns are epigenetic states, where N=total number of cell types, including replicates. The last column is the position class label in IDEAS local clustering. S3V2_IDEAS_hg38_r3_withHg38Mm10prior.para.modified.para: Frequency, sum for each of the joint human and mouse epigenetic states in human (hg38) hematopoietic system. The first column in the Frequency of the state The next N columns are the sum and variance parameters for each epigenetic states. S3V2_IDEAS_hg38_r3_withHg38Mm10prior.para.modified.para.pdf: The heatmap showing the contributions of the different marks to the states. S3V2_IDEAS_hg38_ccre2.cCRE.M.notall0.bed: The cCRE list in human (hg38) hematopoietic system identified by S3V2-IDEAS IS module. S3V2_IDEAS_hg38_ccre2.cCRE.M.notall0.rmallNEU.bed: The cCRE list in human (hg38) hematopoietic system identified by S3V2-IDEAS IS module, run with the NEU data removed from the cell specific portion of the run. The NEU data is noisy and produced large cCREs. (Sept 2021) ******** The files for the tracks associated with this data are available from The folders here contain: NBP: -log10(NB p-value) signal RC: normalized read counts ideasJM21ccreSig: Intensity states: the discretized signal intensity levels for ATAC-seq meryhg38f8Js26BpSJ: segmentations per cell type using the joint run of IDEAS meryhg38f8s39BpSJ: segmentations per cell type using human only run of IDEAS