#Beta coefficients signals across the genome in 200bp bins track ideasJointMay2021beta shortLabel Beta coef longLabel Beta coefficent scores over full genome type bigWig -1 1 group vision psuTrack 1 compositeTrack on visibility hide track ideasJM21betaAve shortLabel Beta coef AVE longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the Average state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.AVE.bw track ideasJM21betaBb15 shortLabel Beta coef B B15_50 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the B B15_50 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.B_B15_50.bw track ideasJM21betaBNc14 shortLabel Beta coef B NC14_42 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the B NC14_42 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.B_NC14_42.bw track ideasJM21betaCd34erep1 shortLabel Beta coef CD34+ Ery rep1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CD34+ Ery rep1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CD34_E_rep1.bw track ideasJM21betaCd34erep2 shortLabel Beta coef CD34+ Ery rep2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CD34+ Ery rep2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CD34_E_rep2.bw track ideasJM21betaClp100266 shortLabel Beta coef CLP 100266 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CLP 100266 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CLP_100266.bw track ideasJM21betaClp100267 shortLabel Beta coef CLP 100267 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CLP 100267 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CLP_100267.bw track ideasJM21betaCmp100246 shortLabel Beta coef CMP 100246 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CMP 100246 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CMP_100246.bw track ideasJM21betaCmp100247 shortLabel Beta coef CMP 100247 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the CMP 100247 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.CMP_100247.bw track ideasJM21betaEoss006xeh2 shortLabel Beta coef EOS S006XEH2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the EOS S006XEH2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.EOS_S006XEH2.bw track ideasJM21betaEoss00bkk shortLabel Beta coef EOS S00BKK longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the EOS S00BKK state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.EOS_S00BKK.bw track ideasJM21betaErys002r5 shortLabel Beta coef ERY S002R5 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the ERY S002R5 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.ERY_S002R5.bw track ideasJM21betaErys002s3 shortLabel Beta coef ERY S002S3 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the ERY S002S3 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.ERY_S002S3.bw track ideasJM21betaGmp100256 shortLabel Beta coef GMP 100256 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the GMP 100256 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.GMP_100256.bw track ideasJM21betaGmp100257 shortLabel Beta coef GMP 100257 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the GMP 100257 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.GMP_100257.bw track ideasJM21betaHsc100258 shortLabel Beta coef HSC 100258 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HSC 100258 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HSC_100258.bw track ideasJM21betaHsc100259 shortLabel Beta coef HSC 100259 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HSC 100259 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HSC_100259.bw track ideasJM21betaHudep1rep1 shortLabel Beta coef HUDEP-1 rep1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HUDEP-1 rep1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HUDEP1_rep1.bw track ideasJM21betaHudep1rep2 shortLabel Beta coef HUDEP-1 rep2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HUDEP-1 rep2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HUDEP1_rep2.bw track ideasJM21betaHudep2rep1 shortLabel Beta coef HUDEP-2 rep1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HUDEP-2 rep1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HUDEP2_rep1.bw track ideasJM21betaHudep2rep2 shortLabel Beta coef HUDEP-2 rep2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the HUDEP-2 rep2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.HUDEP2_rep2.bw track ideasJM21betaK562rep1 shortLabel Beta coef K562 rep1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the K562 rep1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.K562_rep1.bw track ideasJM21betaK562rep2 shortLabel Beta coef K562 rep2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the K562 rep2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.K562_rep2.bw track ideasJM21betaLmpp100268 shortLabel Beta coef LMPP 100268 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the LMPP 100268 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.LMPP_100268.bw track ideasJM21betaLmpp100269 shortLabel Beta coef LMPP 100269 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the LMPP 100269 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.LMPP_100269.bw track ideasJM21betaMep2596 shortLabel Beta coef MEP 2596 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MEP Donor2596 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MEP_Donor2596.bw track ideasJM21betaMep7256 shortLabel Beta coef MEP 7256 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MEP Donor7256 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MEP_Donor7256.bw track ideasJM21betaMks004bth2 shortLabel Beta coef MK S004BTH2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MK S004BTH2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MK_S004BTH2.bw track ideasJM21betaMks00vhkh1 shortLabel Beta coef MK S00VHKH1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MK S00VHKH1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MK_S00VHKH1.bw track ideasJM21betaMoncc0011ith1 shortLabel Beta coef MONc C0011IH1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MONc C0011IH1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MONc_C0011IH1.bw track ideasJM21betaMoncc001UYH2 shortLabel Beta coef MONc C001UYH2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MONc C001UYH2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MONc_C001UYH2.bw track ideasJM21betaMonpc shortLabel Beta coef MONp Prim_mon_C longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MONp Prim_mon_C state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MONp_Prim_mon_C.bw track ideasJM21betaMonpf shortLabel Beta coef MONp Prim_mon_F longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MONp Prim_mon_F state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MONp_Prim_mon_F.bw track ideasJM21betaMpp100272 shortLabel Beta coef MPP 100272 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MPP 100272 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MPP_100272.bw track ideasJM21betaMpp100273 shortLabel Beta coef MPP 100273 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the MPP 100273 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.MPP_100273.bw track ideasJM21betaNeuc0011IH2 shortLabel Beta coef NEU C0011IH2 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the NEU C0011IH2 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.NEU_C0011IH2.bw track ideasJM21betaNeuc001uyh1 shortLabel Beta coef NEU C001UYH1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the NEU C001UYH1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.NEU_C001UYH1.bw track ideasJM21betaNks005yg shortLabel Beta coef NK S005YG longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the NK S005YG state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.NK_S005YG.bw track ideasJM21betaNks01e4wh0 shortLabel Beta coef NK S01E4WH0 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the NK S01E4WH0 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.NK_S01E4WH0.bw track ideasJM21betaTcd4s008h1 shortLabel Beta coef T CD4 S008H1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the T CD4 S008H1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.T_CD4_S008H1.bw track ideasJM21betaTcd4s009w4 shortLabel Beta coef T CD4 S009W4 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the T CD4 S009W4 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.T_CD4_S009W4.bw track ideasJM21betaTcd8c0066ph1 shortLabel Beta coef T CD8 C0066PH1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the T CD8 C0066PH1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.T_CD8_C0066PH1.bw track ideasJM21betaTcd8s00c2fh1 shortLabel Beta coef T CD8 S00C2FH1 longLabel Beta coefficient scores from the T CD8 S00C2FH1 state track parent ideasJointMay2021beta type bigWig -1 1 bigDataUrl beta/beta.hg38.T_CD8_S00C2FH1.bw