#single end reads, Hardison pipeline track meryAtacSeq shortLabel ATAC-seq longLabel ATAC-seq on mouse blood cells with replicates compositeTrack on noInherit on type bed 3 . group vision psuTrack on dragAndDrop subTracks subGroup1 view View p=Peaks r=Regions w=Signal subGroup2 cell Cell g1e=G1E er4u=G1E-ER4 er4=G1E-ER4+E2 lsk=LSK cmp=CMP gmp=GMP mep=MEP cfue=CFU-E cfum=CFU-MK megs=MK b=B cd4=CD4 cd8=CD8 t=T_CD4_CD8 gra=GRA lsk=LSK mono=MONO nk=NK ery=ERY neu=NEU subGroup3 src Source psu=Vision amit=Amit eh=Bodine dimensions dimX=cell dimY=src sortOrder cell=+ view=+ src=+ track meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel ATAC-seq signal parent meryAtacSeq windowingFunction maximum visibility full view w type bigWig 0 0.5 maxHeightPixels 100:50:11 track meryAtacGmp843 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp843.bw shortLabel 843:GMP ATAC longLabel 843: ATAC-seq on GMP cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=gmp src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=843 color 0,139,139 track meryAtacGmp851ap parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp851ap.bw shortLabel 851:GMP ATAC longLabel 851: ATAC-seq on GMP cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=gmp src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=851 color 0,139,139 track meryAtacCfue845 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue845.bw shortLabel 845:CFU-E ATAC longLabel 845: ATAC-seq on CFU-E cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=cfue src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=845 color 255,48,48 track meryAtacCfue853 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue853.bw shortLabel 853:CFU-E ATAC longLabel 853: ATAC-seq on CFU-E cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=cfue src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=853 color 255,48,48 track meryAtacCfum847 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum847.bw shortLabel 847:CFU-MK ATAC longLabel 847: ATAC-seq on CFU-MK cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=cfum src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=847 color 139,115,85 track meryAtacCfum855r59 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum855r59.bw shortLabel 855:CFU-MK ATAC longLabel 855: ATAC-seq on CFU-MK cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=cfum src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=855 color 139,115,85 track meryAtacCmp842 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp842.bw shortLabel 842:CMP ATAC longLabel 842: ATAC-seq on CMP cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=842 color 238,118,0 track meryAtacCmp850r59 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp850r59.bw shortLabel 850:CMP ATAC longLabel 850: ATAC-seq on CMP cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=850 color 238,118,0 track meryAtacMep844 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep844.bw shortLabel 844:MEP ATAC longLabel 844: ATAC-seq on MEP cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=mep src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=844 color 205,102,0 track meryAtacMep852r59 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep852r59.bw shortLabel 852:MEP ATAC longLabel 852: ATAC-seq on MEP cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=mep src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=852 color 205,102,0 track meryAtacEry846r59 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry846r59.bw shortLabel 846:ERY ATAC longLabel 846: ATAC-seq on Erythroblasts (bonemarrow) from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=ery src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=846 color 255,0,0 track meryAtacEry854 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry854.bw shortLabel 854:ERY ATAC longLabel 854: ATAC-seq on Erythroblasts (bonemarrow) from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=ery src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=854 color 255,0,0 #redone with unplaced chroms and filtered chrM, run 75 track meryAtacHsc987 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc987.bw shortLabel 987:LSK ATAC longLabel 987: ATAC-seq on LSK cells subGroups view=w cell=lsk src=psu metadata run=75 id=987 color 34,139,34 track meryAtacMegs848r59 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs848r59.bw shortLabel 848:MK ATAC longLabel 848: ATAC-seq on megakaryocyte cells from both run 57 and 59 subGroups view=w cell=megs src=psu metadata run=57,59 id=848 color 139,90,43 track meryAtacMegs856 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs856.bw shortLabel 856:MK ATAC longLabel 856: ATAC-seq on megakaryocyte cells from runs 57, 59, and 86 subGroups view=w cell=megs src=psu metadata run=57,59,86 id=856 color 139,90,43 track meryAtacG1e870 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e870.bw shortLabel 870:G1E ATAC longLabel 870:ATAC-seq on G1E cells subGroups view=w cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 metadata run=63 id=870 workflow=atac track meryAtacG1e870nd parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e870nd.bw shortLabel 870nd:G1E ATAC longLabel 870:ATAC-seq on G1E cells with duplicates filtered subGroups view=w cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 metadata run=63 id=870 workflow=atacWithFilter track meryAtacG1e871 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e871.bw shortLabel 871:G1E ATAC longLabel 871:ATAC-seq on G1E cells subGroups view=w cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 metadata run=63 id=871 workflow=atac track meryAtacEr4872 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4872.bw shortLabel 872:ER4 ATAC longLabel 872:ATAC-seq on G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=w cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 metadata run=63 id=872 workflow=atac track meryAtacEr4873 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4873.bw shortLabel 873:ER4 ATAC longLabel 873:ATAC-seq on G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=w cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 metadata run=63 id=873 workflow=atac track meryAtacHsc1196 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc1196.bw shortLabel 1196:LSK ATAC longLabel 1196:ATAC-seq on LSK cells subGroups view=w cell=lsk src=psu color 34,139,34 metadata id=1196 run=112 track meryAtacMono1197 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1197.bw shortLabel 1197:MONO ATAC longLabel 1197:ATAC-seq on Monocytes subGroups view=w cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 metadata id=1197 run=112 track meryAtacMono1198 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1198.bw shortLabel 1198:MONO ATAC longLabel 1198:ATAC-seq on Monocytes subGroups view=w cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 metadata id=1198 run=112 track meryAtacNeu1199 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1199.bw shortLabel 1199:NEU ATAC longLabel 1199:ATAC-seq on Neutrophils subGroups view=w cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 metadata id=1199 run=112 track meryAtacNeu1200 parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1200.bw shortLabel 1200:NEU ATAC longLabel 1200:ATAC-seq on Neutrophils subGroups view=w cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 metadata id=1200 run=112 track meryAtacSeqBPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqBPsu.bw shortLabel B Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in B cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=w cell=b src=amit color 139,28,98 metadata id=GSM1463172 track meryAtacSeqGmpPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqGmpPsu.bw shortLabel GMP Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in GMP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=w cell=gmp src=amit color 0,139,139 metadata id=GSM1463173 track meryAtacSeqMonoPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqMonoPsu.bw shortLabel MONO Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in Monocytes processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=w cell=mono src=amit color 24,116,205 metadata id=GSM1463174 track meryAtacSeqCd4Psu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqCd4Psu.bw shortLabel CD4 Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in CD4 processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=cd4 src=amit color 122,55,139 metadata id=GSM1463175 track meryAtacSeqGraPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqGraPsu.bw shortLabel GRA Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in Granulocytes processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=gra src=amit metadata id=GSM1463176 track meryAtacSeqLskPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqLskPsu.bw shortLabel LSK Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in LSK cells processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=lsk src=amit color 34,139,34 metadata id=GSM1463179 track meryAtacSeqNkPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqNkPsu.bw shortLabel NK Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in NK cells processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=nk src=amit color 139,0,139 metadata id=GSM1463177 track meryAtacSeqCd8Psu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqCd8Psu.bw shortLabel CD8 Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in CD8 cells processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=cd8 src=amit color 104,34,139 metadata id=GSM1463178 track meryAtacSeqCmpPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqCmpPsu.bw shortLabel CMP Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in CMP cells processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=amit color 238,118,0 metadata id=GSM1463180 track meryAtacSeqMepPsu parent meryAtacSeqSig type bigWig 0 0.5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqMepPsu.bw shortLabel MEP Amit longLabel ATAC-seq in MEP cells processed with Fseq at PSU subGroups view=w cell=mep src=amit color 205,102,0 metadata id=GSM1463181 track meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel ATAC-seq regions parent meryAtacSeq type bigBed 6 + visibility dense view r track meryAtacHsc987Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 987:LSK regions longLabel 987: Fseq regions in LSK cells subGroups view=r cell=lsk src=psu color 34,139,34 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc987Reg.bb track meryAtacHsc1196Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 1196:LSK regions longLabel 1196: Fseq regions in LSK cells subGroups view=r cell=lsk src=psu color 34,139,34 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc1196Reg.bb track meryAtacCmp842Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 842:CMP regions longLabel 842: Fseq regions in CMP cells subGroups view=r cell=cmp src=psu color 238,118,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp842Reg.bb track meryAtacCmp850Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 850:CMP regions longLabel 850: Fseq regions in CMP cells subGroups view=r cell=cmp src=psu color 238,118,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp850Reg.bb track meryAtacGmp843Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 843:GMP regions longLabel 843: Fseq regions in GMP cells subGroups view=r cell=gmp src=psu color 0,139,139 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp843Reg.bb track meryAtacGmp851Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 851:GMP regions longLabel 851: Fseq regions in GMP cells subGroups view=r cell=gmp src=psu color 0,139,139 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp851Reg.bb track meryAtacMep844Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 844:MEP regions longLabel 844: Fseq regions in MEP cells subGroups view=r cell=mep src=psu color 205,102,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep844Reg.bb track meryAtacMep852Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 852:MEP regions longLabel 852: Fseq regions in MEP cells subGroups view=r cell=mep src=psu color 205,102,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep852Reg.bb track meryAtacCfue845Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 845:CFU-E regions longLabel 845: Fseq regions in CFU-E cells subGroups view=r cell=cfue src=psu color 255,48,48 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue845Reg.bb track meryAtacCfue853Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 853:CFU-E regions longLabel 853: Fseq regions in CFU-E cells subGroups view=r cell=cfue src=psu color 255,48,48 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue853Reg.bb track meryAtacEry846Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 846:ERY regions longLabel 846: Fseq regions in Erythroblast cells subGroups view=r cell=ery src=psu color 255,0,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry846Reg.bb track meryAtacEry854Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 854:ERY regions longLabel 854: Fseq regions in Erythroblast cells subGroups view=r cell=ery src=psu color 255,0,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry854Reg.bb track meryAtacCfum847Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 847:CFU-MK regions longLabel 847: Fseq regions in CFU-MK cells subGroups view=r cell=cfum src=psu color 139,115,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum847Reg.bb track meryAtacCfum855Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 855:CFU-MK regions longLabel 855: Fseq regions in CFU-MK cells subGroups view=r cell=cfum src=psu color 139,115,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum855Reg.bb track meryAtacMegs848Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 848:MK regions longLabel 848: Fseq regions in Megakaryocyte cells subGroups view=r cell=megs src=psu color 139,90,43 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs848Reg.bb track meryAtacMegs856Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 856:MK regions longLabel 856: Fseq regions in Megakaryocyte cells subGroups view=r cell=megs src=psu color 139,90,43 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs856Reg.bb track meryAtacG1e870Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 870:G1E regions longLabel 870: Fseq regions in G1E cells subGroups view=r cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e870Reg.bb track meryAtacG1e871Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 871:G1E regions longLabel 871: Fseq regions in G1E cells subGroups view=r cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e871Reg.bb track meryAtacEr4872Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 872:ER4 regions longLabel 872: Fseq regions in G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=r cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4872Reg.bb track meryAtacEr4873Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 873:ER4 regions longLabel 873: Fseq regions in G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=r cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4873Reg.bb track meryAtacSeqBPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel B Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in B cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=b src=amit color 139,28,98 metadata id=GSM1463172 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacBPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqGmpPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel GMP Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in GMP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=gmp src=amit color 0,139,139 metadata id=GSM1463173 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmpPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqMonoPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel MONO Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in Monocytes processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=mono src=amit color 24,116,205 metadata id=GSM1463174 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMonoPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqMono1197Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 1197 MONO regions longLabel 1197: Fseq regions in Monocytes subGroups view=r cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1197Reg.bb track meryAtacSeqMono1198Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 1198 MONO regions longLabel 1198: Fseq regions in Monocytes subGroups view=r cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1198Reg.bb track meryAtacSeqNeu1199Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 1199 NEU regions longLabel 1199: Fseq regions in Neutrophils subGroups view=r cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1199Reg.bb track meryAtacSeqNeu1200Reg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel 1200 NEU regions longLabel 1200: Fseq regions in Neutrophils subGroups view=r cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1200Reg.bb track meryAtacSeqCd4PsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel CD4 Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in CD4 processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=cd4 src=amit color 122,55,139 metadata id=GSM1463175 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCd4PsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqGraPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel GRA Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in Granulocytes processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=gra src=amit metadata id=GSM1463176 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGraPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqLskPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel LSK Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in LSK cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=lsk src=amit color 34,139,34 metadata id=GSM1463179 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacLskPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqNkPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel NK Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in NK cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=nk src=amit color 139,0,139 metadata id=GSM1463177 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNkPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqCd8PsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel CD8 Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in CD8 cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=cd8 src=amit color 104,34,139 metadata id=GSM1463178 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCd8PsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqCmpPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel CMP Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in CMP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=cmp src=amit color 238,118,0 metadata id=GSM1463180 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmpPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqMepPsuReg parent meryAtacSeqReg shortLabel MEP Amit regions longLabel Fseq regions in MEP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=r cell=mep src=amit color 205,102,0 metadata id=GSM1463181 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMepPsuReg.bb track meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel ATAC-seq peaks parent meryAtacSeq type bigBed 5 . visibility dense view p track meryAtacHsc987Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 987:LSK peaks longLabel 987: Homer peaks in LSK cells subGroups view=p cell=lsk src=psu color 34,139,34 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc987Pk.bb track meryAtacHsc1196Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 1196:LSK peaks longLabel 1196: Homer peaks in LSK cells subGroups view=p cell=lsk src=psu color 34,139,34 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacHsc1196Pk.bb track meryAtacCmp842Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 842:CMP peaks longLabel 842: Homer peaks in CMP cells subGroups view=p cell=cmp src=psu color 238,118,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp842Pk.bb track meryAtacCmp850Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 850:CMP peaks longLabel 850: Homer peaks in CMP cells subGroups view=p cell=cmp src=psu color 238,118,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmp850Pk.bb track meryAtacGmp843Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 843:GMP peaks longLabel 843: Homer peaks in GMP cells subGroups view=p cell=gmp src=psu color 0,139,139 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp843Pk.bb track meryAtacGmp851Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 851:GMP peaks longLabel 851: Homer peaks in GMP cells subGroups view=p cell=gmp src=psu color 0,139,139 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmp851Pk.bb track meryAtacMep844Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 844:MEP peaks longLabel 844: Homer peaks in MEP cells subGroups view=p cell=mep src=psu color 205,102,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep844Pk.bb track meryAtacMep852Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 852:MEP peaks longLabel 852: Homer peaks in MEP cells subGroups view=p cell=mep src=psu color 205,102,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMep852Pk.bb track meryAtacCfue845Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 845:CFU-E peaks longLabel 845: Homer peaks in CFU-E cells subGroups view=p cell=cfue src=psu color 255,48,48 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue845Pk.bb track meryAtacCfue853Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 853:CFU-E peaks longLabel 853: Homer peaks in CFU-E cells subGroups view=p cell=cfue src=psu color 255,48,48 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfue853Pk.bb track meryAtacEry846Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 846:ERY peaks longLabel 846: Homer peaks in Erythroblast cells subGroups view=p cell=ery src=psu color 255,0,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry846Pk.bb track meryAtacEry854Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 854:ERY peaks longLabel 854: Homer peaks in Erythroblast cells subGroups view=p cell=ery src=psu color 255,0,0 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEry854Pk.bb track meryAtacCfum847Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 847:CFU-MK peaks longLabel 847: Homer peaks in CFU-MK cells subGroups view=p cell=cfum src=psu color 139,115,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum847Pk.bb track meryAtacCfum855Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 855:CFU-MK peaks longLabel 855: Homer peaks in CFU-MK cells subGroups view=p cell=cfum src=psu color 139,115,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCfum855Pk.bb track meryAtacMegs848Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 848:MK peaks longLabel 848: Homer peaks in Megakaryocyte cells subGroups view=p cell=megs src=psu color 139,90,43 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs848Pk.bb track meryAtacMegs856Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 856:MK peaks longLabel 856: Homer peaks in Megakaryocyte cells subGroups view=p cell=megs src=psu color 139,90,43 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMegs856Pk.bb track meryAtacG1e870Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 870:G1E peaks longLabel 870: Homer peaks in G1E cells subGroups view=p cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e870Pk.bb track meryAtacG1e871Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 871:G1E peaks longLabel 871: Homer peaks in G1E cells subGroups view=p cell=g1e src=psu color 238,99,99 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacG1e871Pk.bb track meryAtacEr4872Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 872:ER4 peaks longLabel 872: Homer peaks in G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=p cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4872Pk.bb track meryAtacEr4873Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 873:ER4 peaks longLabel 873: Homer peaks in G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=p cell=er4 src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacEr4873Pk.bb track meryAtacSeqBPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel B Amit peaks longLabel Homer peaks in B cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=b src=amit color 139,28,98 metadata id=GSM1463172 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacBPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqGmpPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel GMP Amit peaks longLabel Homer peaks in GMP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=gmp src=amit color 0,139,139 metadata id=GSM1463173 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGmpPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqMonoPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel MONO Amit peaks longLabel Homer peaks in Monocytes processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=mono src=amit color 24,116,205 metadata id=GSM1463174 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMonoPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqMono1197Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 1197 MONO peaks longLabel 1197: Homer peaks in Monocytes subGroups view=p cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1197Pk.bb track meryAtacSeqMono1198Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 1198 MONO peaks longLabel 1198: Homer peaks in Monocytes subGroups view=p cell=mono src=psu color 24,116,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMono1198Pk.bb track meryAtacSeqNeu1199Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 1199 NEU peaks longLabel 1199: Homer peaks in Neutrophils subGroups view=p cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1199Pk.bb track meryAtacSeqNeu1200Pk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 1200 NEU peaks longLabel 1200: Homer peaks in Neutrophils subGroups view=p cell=neu src=psu color 79,148,205 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNeu1200Pk.bb track meryAtacSeqCd4PsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel CD4 Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in CD4 processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=cd4 src=amit color 122,55,139 metadata id=GSM1463175 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCd4PsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqGraPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel GRA Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in Granulocytes processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=gra src=amit metadata id=GSM1463176 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacGraPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqLskPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel LSK Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in LSK cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=lsk src=amit color 34,139,34 metadata id=GSM1463179 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacLskPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqNkPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel NK Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in NK cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=nk src=amit color 139,0,139 metadata id=GSM1463177 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacNkPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqCd8PsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel CD8 Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in CD8 cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=cd8 src=amit color 104,34,139 metadata id=GSM1463178 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCd8PsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqCmpPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel CMP Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in CMP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=cmp src=amit color 238,118,0 metadata id=GSM1463180 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacCmpPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqMepPsuPk parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel MEP Amit peaks longLabel Fseq peaks in MEP cells processed with ATAC-seq pipeline at PSU subGroups view=p cell=mep src=amit color 205,102,0 metadata id=GSM1463181 type bigBed bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacMepPsuPk.bb track meryAtacSeqSig2047 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2047 Fast-ATAC longLabel 2047: G1E-ER4 Fast-ATAC subGroups view=w cell=er4u src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2047.bw track meryAtacSeqPk2047 parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 2047 Fast-ATAC longLabel 2047: G1E-ER4 Fast-ATAC peaks subGroups view=p cell=er4u src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed 5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqPk2047.bb track meryAtacSeqSig2048 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2048 Fast-ATAC longLabel 2048: G1E-ER4 Fast-ATAC subGroups view=w cell=er4u src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2048.bw track meryAtacSeqPk2048 parent meryAtacSeqPk shortLabel 2048 Fast-ATAC longLabel 2048: G1E-ER4 Fast-ATAC peaks subGroups view=p cell=er4u src=psu color 205,85,85 type bigBed 5 bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqPk2048.bb track meryAtacSeqSig1127 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 1127:ER4 ATAC longLabel 1127:ATAC-seq on G1E-ER4+E2 cells subGroups view=w cell=er4 src=psu metadata id=1127 run=101 color 205,85,85 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig1127.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2319 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2319: CMP-Mk-ERY longLabel 2319: CMP_Mk-ERY Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2319 run=258 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2319.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2320 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2320: CMP-ERY longLabel 2320: CMP_ERY Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2320 run=258 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2320.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2321 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2321: CMP-ERY longLabel 2321: CMP_ERY Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2321 run=258 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2321.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2471 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2471: CMP-Ery longLabel 2471: CMP-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2471 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2471.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2472 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2472: CMP-Ery longLabel 2472: CMP-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2472 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2472.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2473 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2473: CMP-Ery longLabel 2473: CMP-Ery cluster 11 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2473 run=275,281 cluster=11 aka=CMP-Ep1r1 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2473.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2477 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2477: CMP-Ery longLabel 2477: CMP-Ery cluster 11 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2477 run=275,281 cluster=11 aka=CMP-Ep1r2 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2477.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2474 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2474: CMP Mk longLabel 2474: CMP Mk cluster 10 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2474 run=275,281 cluster=10 aka=CMP-Mp2r1 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2474.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2475 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2475: CMP Mk-Ery longLabel 2475: CMP Mk-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2475 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2475.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2476 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2476: CMP Mk-Ery longLabel 2476: CMP Mk-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2476 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2476.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2478 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2478: CMP-Mk-Ery longLabel 2478: CMP-Mk-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2478 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2478.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2479 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2479: CMP-Mk-Ery longLabel 2479: CMP-Mk-Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2479 run=275,281 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2479.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2480 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2480: CMP_Ery longLabel 2480: CMP_Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2480 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2480.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2481 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2481: CMP_Mk longLabel 2481: CMP_Mk cluster 10 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2481 run=292 cluster=10 aka=CMP-Mp2r2 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2481.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2482 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2482: CMP_Mk longLabel 2482: CMP_Mk cluster 10 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2482 run=292 cluster=10 aka=CMP-Mp2r3 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2482.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2483 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2483: CMP_Ery longLabel 2483: CMP_Ery cluster 11 Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2483 run=292 cluster=11 aka=CMP-Ep1r3 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2483.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2484 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2484: CMP_Ery longLabel 2484: CMP_Ery Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2484 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2484.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2485 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2485: CMP_Mk longLabel 2485: CMP_Mk Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2485 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2485.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2486 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2486: CMP_Mk longLabel 2486: CMP_Mk Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2486 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2486.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2487 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2487: CMP_Mk longLabel 2487: CMP_Mk Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2487 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2487.bw track meryAtacSeqSig2488 parent meryAtacSeqSig shortLabel 2488: CMP_Mk longLabel 2488: CMP_Mk Fast ATAC subGroups view=w cell=cmp src=eh metadata id=2488 run=292 color 238,118,0 type bigWig bigDataUrl atac/meryAtacSeqSig2488.bw