track codexBg115dimek4hp shortLabel BG115 DiMeK4 HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Lin-ScaI-c-kit+ (GFI1 36S). DiMeK4. BG115_DiMeK4_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Haematopoietic_progenitor factor=DiMeK4 parent codexChipWig track codexBg118dimek4hp shortLabel BG118 DiMeK4 HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Lin-ScaI-c-kit+ (GFI1 36N). DiMeK4. BG118_DiMeK4_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Haematopoietic_progenitor factor=DiMeK4 parent codexChipWig track codexBg144a610008ldb1 shortLabel BG144 A610008 Ldb1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Ldb1. BG144_A610008_Ldb1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg148cebpahpc7 shortLabel BG148 Cebpa HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cebpa. BG148_Cebpa_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexBg149a730005cmyc shortLabel BG149 A730005 cMyc longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Myc. BG149_A730005_cMyc type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Myc parent codexChipWig track codexBg153a840003stat5 shortLabel BG153 A840003 Stat5 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7, TPO treated. Stat5a/b. BG153_A840003_Stat5 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7_TPO_treated factor=Stat5 parent codexChipWig track codexBg155a840005cebpb shortLabel BG155 A840005 Cebpb longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cebpb. BG155_A840005_Cebpb type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Cebpb parent codexChipWig track codexBg156a840006elf1 shortLabel BG156 A840006 Elf1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Elf1. BG156_A840006_Elf1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Elf1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg157a840007jun shortLabel BG157 A840007 Jun longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Jun. BG157_A840007_Jun type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Jun parent codexChipWig track codexBg158a840008a910001max shortLabel BG158 A840008 A910001 Max longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Max. BG158_A840008_A910001_Max type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Max parent codexChipWig track codexBg160b020001cfos shortLabel BG160 B020001 cFos longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Fos. BG160_B020001_cFos type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Fos parent codexChipWig track codexBg163p53hpc7 shortLabel BG163 p53 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Trp53. BG163_p53_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Trp53 parent codexChipWig track codexBg170d080002e2f4 shortLabel BG170 D080002 E2f4 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. E2f4. BG170_D080002_E2f4 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=E2f4 parent codexChipWig track codexBg171d080003mybhpc7 shortLabel BG171 D080003 Myb HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Myb. BG171_D080003_Myb_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Myb parent codexChipWig track codexBg196slx6310slx7899fli1cd41 shortLabel BG196 SLX6310 SLX7899 Fli1 CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Fli1. BG196_SLX6310_SLX7899_Fli1_CD41 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Fli1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg205bg289gata1cd41 shortLabel BG205 BG289 Gata1 CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Gata1. BG205_BG289_Gata1_CD41 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg206bg287cebpbcd41 shortLabel BG206 BG287 CEBPb CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Cebpb. BG206_BG287_CEBPb_CD41 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Cebpb parent codexChipWig track codexBg220slx7033dnase1hpc7 shortLabel BG220 SLX7033 DNase1 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. DNase1. BG220_SLX7033_DNase1_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=DNase1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg225slx7038egr1 shortLabel BG225 SLX7038 Egr1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Egr1. BG225_SLX7038_Egr1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Egr1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg253slx7050gfi1 shortLabel BG253 SLX7050 Gfi1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Gfi1. BG253_SLX7050_Gfi1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gfi1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg256slx7051gfi1b shortLabel BG256 SLX7051 Gfi1b longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Gfi1b. BG256_SLX7051_Gfi1b type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipWig track codexBg257slx7051h2aack5 shortLabel BG257 SLX7051 H2A AcK5 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. H2A AcK5. BG257_SLX7051_H2A_AcK5 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=H2A_AcK5 parent codexHistoneWig track codexBg258slx7051rad21 shortLabel BG258 SLX7051 Rad21 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Rad21. BG258_SLX7051_Rad21 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Rad21 parent codexChipWig track codexBg260slx7355eto2 shortLabel BG260 SLX7355 Eto2 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cbfa2t3. BG260_SLX7355_Eto2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipWig track codexBg26pu1hpc7 shortLabel BG26 PU1 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Spi1. BG26_PU1_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg286slx7413meis1cd41positive shortLabel BG286 SLX7413 Meis1 CD41 positive longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Meis1. BG286_SLX7413_Meis1_CD41_positive type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Meis1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg292slx7416nfe2hpc7 shortLabel BG292 SLX7416 Nfe2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Nfe2. BG292_SLX7416_Nfe2_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Nfe2 parent codexChipWig track codexBg316slx7901gata2hpc7 shortLabel BG316 SLX7901 Gata2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gata2. BG316_SLX7901_Gata2_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Gata2 parent codexChipWig track codexBg43lmo2hpc7 shortLabel BG43 Lmo2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Lmo2. BG43_Lmo2_HPC7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Lmo2 parent codexChipWig track codexBg61bg61rrunx1hp shortLabel BG61 BG61r Runx1 HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] VE-cadherin- CD41+ (ES cell derived). Runx1. BG61_BG61r_Runx1_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Runx1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg8153071h3k4me3 shortLabel BG81 5307 1 H3K4me3 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. H3K4me3. BG81_5307_1_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexBg8253072h3k27me3 shortLabel BG82 5307 2 H3K27me3 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. H3K27me3. BG82_5307_2_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexBg8353073ctcf shortLabel BG83 5307 3 CTCF longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Ctcf. BG83_5307_3_CTCF type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexBg8653077h3k36me3 shortLabel BG86 5307 7 H3K36me3 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. H3K36me3. BG86_5307_7_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexBg8753078e2a shortLabel BG87 5307 8 E2A longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Tcf3. BG87_5307_8_E2A type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Tcf3 parent codexChipWig track codexBg8855031h3k27ac shortLabel BG88 5503 1 H3K27Ac longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. H3K27Ac. BG88_5503_1_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexBg9155035stat1p shortLabel BG91 5503 5 Stat1P longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat1. BG91_5503_5_Stat1P type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexBg9255036stat3 shortLabel BG92 5503 6 Stat3 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat3. BG92_5503_6_Stat3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat3 parent codexChipWig track codexBg9856848gfi1b shortLabel BG98 5684 8 Gfi1b longLabel Leukemogenic. [CL] J2E Immature Erythroid. Gfi1b. BG98_5684_8_Gfi1b type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=J2E_Immature_Erythroid factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipWig track codexChd2gsm912929mel shortLabel CHD2 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Chd2. CHD2_GSM912929_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Chd2 parent codexChipWig track codexCtcfgsm912896mel shortLabel CTCF MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. CTCF_GSM912896_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexD340001gata2 shortLabel D340001 Gata2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Gata2. D340001_Gata2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gata2 parent codexChipWig track codexD340002lmo2 shortLabel D340002 Lmo2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Lmo2. D340002_Lmo2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Lmo2 parent codexChipWig track codexD340003pu1 shortLabel D340003 Pu1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Spi1. D340003_Pu1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexD340004scl shortLabel D340004 Scl longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Tal1. D340004_Scl type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexD440004runx1 shortLabel D440004 Runx1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Runx1. D440004_Runx1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Runx1 parent codexChipWig track codexErx20618587gata1ter119neg shortLabel ERX206185 87 Gata 1 Ter119 neg longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119- Erythroblasts. Gata1. ERX206185_87_Gata_1_Ter119_neg type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119-_Erythroblasts factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexErx20618689gata1ter119pos shortLabel ERX206186 89 Gata 1 Ter119 pos longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Gata1. ERX206186_89_Gata_1_Ter119_pos type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexEto2erx002124mel shortLabel Eto2 ERX002124 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t3. Eto2_ERX002124_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipWig track codexEto2erx002126mel shortLabel Eto2 ERX002126 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t3. Eto2_ERX002126_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1054815gsm1187162cebpa shortLabel HPC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cebpa. GSM1054815_GSM1187162_Cebpa type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1090229tbx3 shortLabel ES_cell_derived_EBs Tbx3 longLabel Embryoid bodies. [PC] ES cell derived EBs. Tbx3. GSM1090229_Tbx3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=ES_cell_derived_EBs factor=Tbx3 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1090231nanog shortLabel ES_cell_derived_EBs Nanog longLabel Embryoid bodies. [PC] ES cell derived EBs. Nanog. GSM1090231_Nanog type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=ES_cell_derived_EBs factor=Nanog parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1103355runx1 shortLabel Megakaryocyte Runx1 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Runx1. GSM1103355_Runx1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Runx1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1103356ep300 shortLabel Megakaryocyte Ep300 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Ep300. GSM1103356_Ep300 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Ep300 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm11428012k4me3cebpawt shortLabel preGM K4me3 CebpaWT longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] preGM (Cebpa flox/flox). H3K4Me3. GSM1142801_2_K4me3_CebpaWT type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=preGM factor=H3K4Me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11428034k4me3cebpako shortLabel preGM K4me3 CebpaKO longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] preGM (Cebpa flox/flox;Mx1Cre). H3K4Me3. GSM1142803_4_K4me3_CebpaKO type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=preGM factor=H3K4Me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11428056k27me3cebpawt shortLabel preGM K27me3 CebpaWT longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] preGM (Cebpa flox/flox). H3K27Me3. GSM1142805_6_K27me3_CebpaWT type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=preGM factor=H3K27Me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11428078k27me3cebpako shortLabel preGM K27me3 CebpaKO longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] preGM (Cebpa flox/flox;Mx1Cre). H3K27Me3. GSM1142807_8_K27me3_CebpaKO type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=preGM factor=H3K27Me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm114280910cebpa shortLabel GMP Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] GMP (Cebpa flox/flox). Cebpa. GSM1142809_10_Cebpa type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=GMP factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1151145ctcf shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Ctcf. GSM1151145_Ctcf type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1151146gata1 shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Gata1. GSM1151146_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1151147nfe2 shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Nfe2 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Nfe2. GSM1151147_Nfe2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Nfe2 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm11566414243h3k27me3 shortLabel HSC H3K27me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K27me3. GSM1156641_42_43_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11566444546h3k27me3 shortLabel HSC H3K27me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K27me3. GSM1156644_45_46_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1156647h3k36me3 shortLabel HSC H3K36me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K36me3. GSM1156647_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm115664849h3k36me3 shortLabel HSC H3K36me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K36me3. GSM1156648_49_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11566505152h3k36me3 shortLabel HSC H3K36me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K36me3. GSM1156650_51_52_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm115665354h3k4me3 shortLabel HSC H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K4me3. GSM1156653_54_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm115665556h3k4me3 shortLabel HSC H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K4me3. GSM1156655_56_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1165493klf1 shortLabel Erythroblast Klf1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Klf1. GSM1165493_Klf1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast factor=Klf1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1183953h4k5ac shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage H4K5ac longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. H4K5ac. GSM1183953_H4K5ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H4K5ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm11871634cebpa shortLabel HPC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cebpa. GSM1187163_4_Cebpa type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1199549h3k4me1 shortLabel Ter119+_erythroid_cell H3K4me1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ erythroid cell. H3K4me1. GSM1199549_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_erythroid_cell factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1199550h3k4me3 shortLabel Ter119+_erythroid_cell H3K4me3 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ erythroid cell. H3K4me3. GSM1199550_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Ter119p_erythroid_cell factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1223648cebpa shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Cebpa longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Cebpa. GSM1223648_Cebpa type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1409206hoxa9 shortLabel HSC Hoxa9 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. Hoxa9. GSM1409206_Hoxa9 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=Hoxa9 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1409207cebpa shortLabel HSC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. Cebpa. GSM1409207_Cebpa type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1409208h3k4me1 shortLabel HSC H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K4me1. GSM1409208_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1409209h3k27me3 shortLabel HSC H3K27me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K27me3. GSM1409209_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441269h3k27ac shortLabel Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K27Ac. GSM1441269_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441270h3k27ac shortLabel Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K27Ac. GSM1441270_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441271h3k27ac shortLabel Multipotent_Progenitor H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K27Ac. GSM1441271_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441272h3k27ac shortLabel Common_Myeloid_Progenitor H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Common Myeloid Progenitor (CMP). H3K27Ac. GSM1441272_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Common_Myeloid_Progenitor factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441273h3k27ac shortLabel Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Granulocyte Monocyte Progenitor (GMP). H3K27Ac. GSM1441273_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441274h3k27ac shortLabel Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor H3K27Ac longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Megakaryocitic erythroyd progenitor (MEP). H3K27Ac. GSM1441274_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441275h3k27ac shortLabel Erythrocytes_A H3K27Ac longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes A (Ery A). H3K27Ac. GSM1441275_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_A factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441276h3k27ac shortLabel Erythrocytes_B H3K27Ac longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes B (Ery B). H3K27Ac. GSM1441276_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_B factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441279h3k27ac shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage H3K27Ac longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. H3K27Ac. GSM1441279_H3K27Ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H3K27Ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441285h3k4me1 shortLabel Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K4me1. GSM1441285_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441286h3k4me1 shortLabel Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K4me1. GSM1441286_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441287h3k4me1 shortLabel Multipotent_Progenitor H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K4me1. GSM1441287_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441288h3k4me1 shortLabel Common_Myeloid_Progenitor H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Common Myeloid Progenitor (CMP). H3K4me1. GSM1441288_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Common_Myeloid_Progenitor factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441289h3k4me1 shortLabel Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Granulocyte Monocyte Progenitor (GMP). H3K4me1. GSM1441289_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441290h3k4me1 shortLabel Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Megakaryocitic erythroyd progenitor (MEP). H3K4me1. GSM1441290_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441291h3k4me1 shortLabel Erythrocytes_A H3K4me1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes A (Ery A). H3K4me1. GSM1441291_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_A factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441292h3k4me1 shortLabel Erythrocytes_B H3K4me1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes B (Ery B). H3K4me1. GSM1441292_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_B factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441295h3k4me1 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage H3K4me1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. H3K4me1. GSM1441295_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441301h3k4me2 shortLabel Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K4me2. GSM1441301_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441302h3k4me2 shortLabel Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K4me2. GSM1441302_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441303h3k4me2 shortLabel Multipotent_Progenitor H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K4me2. GSM1441303_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441304h3k4me2 shortLabel Common_Myeloid_Progenitor H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Common Myeloid Progenitor (CMP). H3K4me2. GSM1441304_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Common_Myeloid_Progenitor factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441305h3k4me2 shortLabel Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Granulocyte Monocyte Progenitor (GMP). H3K4me2. GSM1441305_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441306h3k4me2 shortLabel Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor H3K4me2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Megakaryocitic erythroyd progenitor (MEP). H3K4me2. GSM1441306_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441307h3k4me2 shortLabel Erythrocytes_A H3K4me2 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes A (Ery A). H3K4me2. GSM1441307_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_A factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441308h3k4me2 shortLabel Erythrocytes_B H3K4me2 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes B (Ery B). H3K4me2. GSM1441308_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_B factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441311h3k4me2 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage H3K4me2 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. H3K4me2. GSM1441311_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441317h3k4me3 shortLabel Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K4me3. GSM1441317_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441318h3k4me3 shortLabel Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K4me3. GSM1441318_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441319h3k4me3 shortLabel Multipotent_Progenitor H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K4me3. GSM1441319_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441320h3k4me3 shortLabel Common_Myeloid_Progenitor H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Common Myeloid Progenitor (CMP). H3K4me3. GSM1441320_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Common_Myeloid_Progenitor factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441321h3k4me3 shortLabel Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Granulocyte Monocyte Progenitor (GMP). H3K4me3. GSM1441321_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Granulocyte_Monocyte_Progenitor factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441322h3k4me3 shortLabel Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor H3K4me3 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Megakaryocitic erythroyd progenitor (MEP). H3K4me3. GSM1441322_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocitic_erythroyd_progenitor factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441323h3k4me3 shortLabel Erythrocytes_A H3K4me3 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes A (Ery A). H3K4me3. GSM1441323_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_A factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441324h3k4me3 shortLabel Erythrocytes_B H3K4me3 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythrocytes B (Ery B). H3K4me3. GSM1441324_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythrocytes_B factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1441327h3k4me3 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage H3K4me3 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. H3K4me3. GSM1441327_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1533397gcgr shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533397_Gcgr type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1533398ppara shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533398_Ppara type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1533399gcgr shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533399_Gcgr type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1533400ppara shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533400_Ppara type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1533401gcgr shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533401_Gcgr type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1533402ppara shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533402_Ppara type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipWig track codexGsm1544999h3k27ac shortLabel HSC H3K27ac longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K27ac. GSM1544999_H3K27ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K27ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm1545000h3k4me1 shortLabel HSC H3K4me1 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. H3K4me1. GSM1545000_H3K4me1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HSC factor=H3K4me1 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm417015gata1 shortLabel MEL86_erythroid Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] MEL86 erythroid. Gata1. GSM417015_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL86_erythroid factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm419049bcl6 shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM419049_Bcl6 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm419052pol2 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage Pol2 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Polr2a. GSM419052_Pol2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Polr2a parent codexChipWig track codexGsm453997gata1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM453997_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm464634scl shortLabel Erythroblast Scl longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Tal1. GSM464634_Scl type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm464636scl shortLabel Erythroblast_RER Scl longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast RER. Tal1. GSM464636_Scl type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast_RER factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm539541smad3escells shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539541_Smad3_ESCells type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm539542smad3escells shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539542_Smad3_ESCells type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm539549smad3escells shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539549_Smad3_ESCells type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm5458825sfpi1 shortLabel MEL Sfpi1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitors. [CL] MEL (Gata1/ER). Spi1. GSM545882_5_Sfpi1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm54588891sfpi1 shortLabel PCL Sfpi1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Spi1. GSM545888_91_Sfpi1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552232ack9 shortLabel HPC-7 AcK9 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. AcK9. GSM552232_AcK9 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=AcK9 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552233fli1 shortLabel HPC-7 Fli1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Fli1. GSM552233_Fli1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Fli1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552234gata2 shortLabel HPC-7 Gata2 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gata2. GSM552234_Gata2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Gata2 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552235gfi1b shortLabel HPC-7 Gfi1b longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gfi1b. GSM552235_Gfi1b type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552238lyl1 shortLabel HPC-7 Lyl1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Lyl1. GSM552238_Lyl1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Lyl1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552239meis1 shortLabel HPC-7 Meis1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Meis1. GSM552239_Meis1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Meis1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552240sfpi1 shortLabel HPC-7 Sfpi1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Spi1. GSM552240_Sfpi1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552241runx1 shortLabel HPC-7 Runx1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Runx1. GSM552241_Runx1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Runx1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm552242tal1 shortLabel HPC-7 Tal1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Tal1. GSM552242_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm611113p65 shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages p65 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Rela. GSM611113_p65 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Rela parent codexChipWig track codexGsm611114gsm611115bcl6 shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM611114_GSM611115_Bcl6 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm611116-7rela shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated -7 Rela longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Rela. GSM611116-7_Rela type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Rela parent codexChipWig track codexGsm641909ldb1 shortLabel HPC Ldb1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Ldb1. GSM641909_Ldb1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm641910tal1 shortLabel HPC Tal1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Tal1. GSM641910_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm641911gata2 shortLabel HPC Gata2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Gata2. GSM641911_Gata2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Gata2 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm700739bcl11a shortLabel MEL Bcl11a longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Bcl11a. GSM700739_Bcl11a type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Bcl11a parent codexChipWig track codexGsm700740hlcs shortLabel MEL Hlcs longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Hlcs. GSM700740_Hlcs type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Hlcs parent codexChipWig track codexGsm722387gata2 shortLabel G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Gata2 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1E, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Gata2. GSM722387_Gata2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Gata2 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm722388smad1 shortLabel G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Smad1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1E, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Smad1. GSM722388_Smad1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Smad1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm722390gata1 shortLabel G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1ER, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Gata1. GSM722390_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm722391smad1 shortLabel G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Smad1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1ER, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Smad1. GSM722391_Smad1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Smad1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm7465556tal1 shortLabel G1E Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Tal1. GSM746555_6_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm746568gata1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM746568_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm7465712tal1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Tal1. GSM746571_2_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm7465812gata1 shortLabel Erythroblast Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Gata1. GSM746581_2_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm7465834tal1 shortLabel Erythroblast Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Tal1. GSM746583_4_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm773994tcf7 shortLabel EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor Tcf7 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [CL] EML lympho-hematopoietic progenitor. Tcf7. GSM773994_Tcf7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor factor=Tcf7 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm773995gsm773996runx1 shortLabel EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor Runx1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [CL] EML lympho-hematopoietic progenitor. Runx1. GSM773995_GSM773996_Runx1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor factor=Runx1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838681stat1 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. GSM838681_Stat1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838683stat16hifng shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated Stat1 6h IFNg longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. GSM838683_Stat1_6h_IFNg type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838685stat16hifnb shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNb_treated Stat1 6h IFNb longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNb treated. Stat1. GSM838685_Stat1_6h_IFNb type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNb_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838687stat1ikk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages Stat1 ikk longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-). Stat1. GSM838687_Stat1_ikk type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838689stat1 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNg_treated Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-), IFNg treated. Stat1. GSM838689_Stat1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm838691stat1 shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNb_treated Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-), IFNb treated. Stat1. GSM838691_Stat1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNb_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm840466hoxb4escellsd6 shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d6 longLabel Haematopoietic precursors and progenitors. [PCL] Day 6 embryoid body cells (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840466_HoxB4_ESCells_d6 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm840468hoxb4escellsd10 shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d10 longLabel Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. [PCL] Day 16 culture (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840468_HoxB4_ESCells_d10 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm840470hoxb4escellsd26 shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d26 longLabel Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. [PCL] Day 26 culture (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840470_HoxB4_ESCells_d26 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm851557bcl6 shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM851557_Bcl6 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm8671567gata1 shortLabel PCL Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Gata1. GSM867156_7_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm8671585960gata1 shortLabel PCL Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Gata1. GSM867158_59_60_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm881357h3k27ac shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K27ac longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K27ac. GSM881357_H3K27ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K27ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881358h3k27me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K27me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K27me3. GSM881358_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881359h3k36me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K36me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K36me3. GSM881359_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881361h3k4me2 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K4me2 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K4me2. GSM881361_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881362h3k4me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K4me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K4me3. GSM881362_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881366h3k27ac shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K27ac longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K27ac. GSM881366_H3K27ac type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K27ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881367h3k27me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K27me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K27me3. GSM881367_H3K27me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881368h3k36me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K36me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K36me3. GSM881368_H3K36me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K36me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881370h3k4me2 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K4me2 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K4me2. GSM881370_H3K4me2 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K4me2 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm881371h3k4me3 shortLabel E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm H3K4me3 longLabel Mesoendoderm. [PC] E14 ES cell derived mesoendoderm. H3K4me3. GSM881371_H3K4me3 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=E14_ES_cell_derived_mesoendoderm factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexGsm897224gata1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM897224_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm898200cbx7 shortLabel HPC Cbx7 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cbx7. GSM898200_Cbx7 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Cbx7 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm898201cbx8 shortLabel HPC Cbx8 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cbx8. GSM898201_Cbx8 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC factor=Cbx8 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm918744ctcf shortLabel MEL CTCF longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. GSM918744_CTCF type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923570ctcf shortLabel G1E Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Ctcf. GSM923570_Ctcf type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923571ctcf shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Ctcf. GSM923571_Ctcf type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923572gata1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM923572_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923573ctcf shortLabel MEL Ctcf longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. GSM923573_Ctcf type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923575gata1 shortLabel Erythroblast Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Gata1. GSM923575_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Erythroblast factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923576tal1 shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Tal1. GSM923576_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923578tal1 shortLabel MEL Tal1 longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] MEL. Tal1. GSM923578_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923579tal1 shortLabel G1E Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Tal1. GSM923579_Tal1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=G1E factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexGsm923586gata1 shortLabel Megakaryocyte Gata1 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Gata1. GSM923586_Gata1 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGata1bg326bg326reb shortLabel Gata1 BG326 BG326r EB longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] Primitive haematopoietic cells (ES cell derived - Runx1+ Gata1+). Gata1. Gata1_BG326_BG326r_EB type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGata1erx002128mel shortLabel Gata1 ERX002128 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Gata1. Gata1_ERX002128_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGata1erx002130mel shortLabel Gata1 ERX002130 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Gata1. Gata1_ERX002130_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexGata1gsm912907mel shortLabel Gata1 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Gata1. Gata1_GSM912907_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipWig track codexH3k27acgsm1022264stat6koctrlutbmdm shortLabel H3K27ac Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat6ko ctrl UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO). H3K27ac. H3K27ac_GSM1022264_stat6ko_ctrl_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=H3K27ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k27acgsm1692799hp shortLabel H3K27ac PCL HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). H3K27ac. H3K27ac_GSM1692799_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=H3K27ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k27me3gse70832lthsc shortLabel H3K27me3 GSE70832 LTHSC longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K27me3. H3K27me3_GSE70832_LTHSC type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k27me3gse70832mpp shortLabel H3K27me3 GSE70832 MPP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K27me3. H3K27me3_GSE70832_MPP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k27me3gse70832sthsc shortLabel H3K27me3 GSE70832 STHSC longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K27me3. H3K27me3_GSE70832_STHSC type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k27me3gsm1692800hp shortLabel H3K27me3 PCL HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). H3K27me3. H3K27me3_GSM1692800_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=H3K27me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k4me3gse70832lthsc shortLabel H3K4me3 GSE70832 LTHSC longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Long Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (LT-HSC). H3K4me3. H3K4me3_GSE70832_LTHSC type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Long_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k4me3gse70832mpp shortLabel H3K4me3 GSE70832 MPP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] Multipotent Progenitor (MPP). H3K4me3. H3K4me3_GSE70832_MPP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Multipotent_Progenitor factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k4me3gse70832sthsc shortLabel H3K4me3 GSE70832 STHSC longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] Short Term Hematopoietic Stem Cell (ST-HSC). H3K4me3. H3K4me3_GSE70832_STHSC type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Short_Term_Hematopoietic_Stem_Cell factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k4me3gsm1692801hp shortLabel H3K4me3 PCL HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). H3K4me3. H3K4me3_GSM1692801_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=H3K4me3 parent codexHistoneWig track codexH3k9acbg322hp shortLabel H3K9ac BG322 HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). H3K9ac. H3K9ac_BG322_HP type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=PCL factor=H3K9ac parent codexHistoneWig track codexJunbgsm1022318utbmdm shortLabel JunB Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Junb. JunB_GSM1022318_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Junb parent codexChipWig track codexJunbgsm1022319lps4hbmdm shortLabel JunB Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Junb. JunB_GSM1022319_LPS_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Junb parent codexChipWig track codexJundgsm912915mel shortLabel JunD MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Jund. JunD_GSM912915_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Jund parent codexChipWig track codexLdb1erx002132mel shortLabel Ldb1 ERX002132 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Ldb1. Ldb1_ERX002132_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipWig track codexLdb1erx002134mel shortLabel Ldb1 ERX002134 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Ldb1. Ldb1_ERX002134_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipWig track codexMafkgsm912899mel shortLabel MafK MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Mafk. MafK_GSM912899_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Mafk parent codexChipWig track codexMaxgsm912919mel shortLabel Max MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Max. Max_GSM912919_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Max parent codexChipWig track codexMtgr1erx002140mel shortLabel Mtgr1 ERX002140 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL, DMSO treated. Cbfa2t2. Mtgr1_ERX002140_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Cbfa2t2 parent codexChipWig track codexMtgr1erx002142mel shortLabel Mtgr1 ERX002142 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t2. Mtgr1_ERX002142_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t2 parent codexChipWig track codexMxi1gsm912928mel shortLabel Mxi1 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Mxi1. Mxi1_GSM912928_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Mxi1 parent codexChipWig track codexNelfegsm912932mel shortLabel NELFe MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Rdbp. NELFe_GSM912932_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Rdbp parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022260stat6koctrlutbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat6ko ctrl UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022260_stat6ko_ctrl_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022261stat6koctrlil44hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated stat6ko ctrl IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO), IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022261_stat6ko_ctrl_IL4_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022262stat6koutbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat6ko UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022262_stat6ko_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022263stat6koil44hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated stat6ko IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO), IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022263_stat6ko_IL4_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022280stat1koctrlutbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat1ko ctrl UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022280_stat1ko_ctrl_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022281stat1koctrlifng4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated stat1ko ctrl IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO), IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022281_stat1ko_ctrl_IFNg_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022282stat1koutbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat1ko UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022282_stat1ko_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022283stat1koifng4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated stat1ko IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO), IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022283_stat1ko_IFNg_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022310tcifngutbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage tc IFNg UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022310_tc_IFNg_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022311tcifng30minbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022311_tc_IFNg_30min_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022312tcifng1hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022312_tc_IFNg_1h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm1022313tcifng2hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022313_tc_IFNg_2h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm94092425utbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940924_25_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940926lps4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940926_LPS_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940927lps24hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 24h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940927_LPS_24h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940928ifng4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940928_IFNg_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940929il44hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940929__IL4_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940930tnfa4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TNFa_treated TNFa 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, TNFa treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940930_TNFa_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TNFa_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940931tgfb14hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TGFb1_treated TGFb1 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, TGFb1 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940931_TGFb1_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TGFb1_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940932il1b4hbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-1b_treated IL1b 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-1b treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940932_IL1b_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-1b_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940933malp2bmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_MALP2_treated MALP2 BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, MALP2 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940933_MALP2_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_MALP2_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexPu.1gsm940934cpgbmdm shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_CpG_treated CpG BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, CpG treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940934_CpG_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_CpG_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipWig track codexRad21gsm912933dmsomel shortLabel Rad21 MEL_DMSO_treated DMSO MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL, DMSO treated. Rad21. Rad21_GSM912933_DMSO_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Rad21 parent codexChipWig track codexRad21gsm912935mel shortLabel Rad21 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Rad21. Rad21_GSM912935_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Rad21 parent codexChipWig track codexSmc3gsm912923mel shortLabel SMC3 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Smc3. SMC3_GSM912923_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Smc3 parent codexChipWig track codexSclerx002136mel shortLabel Scl ERX002136 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Tal1. Scl_ERX002136_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexSclerx002138mel shortLabel Scl ERX002138 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL, DMSO treated. Tal1. Scl_ERX002138_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=C88_MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022314tcifngutbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage tc IFNg UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022314_tc_IFNg_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022315tcifng30minbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022315_tc_IFNg_30min_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022316tcifng1hbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022316_tc_IFNg_1h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022317tcifng2hbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022317_tc_IFNg_2h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022320utbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022320_UT_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat1gsm1022321ifng4hbmdm shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022321_IFNg_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipWig track codexStat6gsm1022301tcil415minbmdm shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 15min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022301_tc_IL4_15min_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipWig track codexStat6gsm1022302tcil430minbmdm shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022302_tc_IL4_30min_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipWig track codexStat6gsm1022303tcil41hbmdm shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022303_tc_IL4_1h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipWig track codexStat6gsm1022304tcil42hbmdm shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022304_tc_IL4_2h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipWig track codexStat6gsm1022305tcil44hbmdm shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022305_tc_IL4_4h_BMDM type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipWig track codexTbpgsm912913mel shortLabel TBP MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Tbp. TBP_GSM912913_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Tbp parent codexChipWig track codexTg10b020004stat5 shortLabel TG10 B020004 Stat5 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat5a/b. TG10_B020004_Stat5 type bigWig bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat5 parent codexChipWig track codexUsf2gsm912892mel shortLabel USF2 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Usf2. USF2_GSM912892_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Usf2 parent codexChipWig track codexC-mybgsm912903mel shortLabel c-Myb MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Myb. c-Myb_GSM912903_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Myb parent codexChipWig track codexC-mycgsm912934mel shortLabel c-Myc MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Myc. c-Myc_GSM912934_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Myc parent codexChipWig track codexP300gsm912893mel shortLabel p300 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ep300. p300_GSM912893_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Ep300 parent codexChipWig track codexP300gsm912921mel shortLabel p300 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ep300. p300_GSM912921_MEL type bigWig bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 alwaysZero on windowingFunction maximum subGroups view=wig cell=MEL factor=Ep300 parent codexChipWig track codexBg144a610008ldb1Pk shortLabel BG144 A610008 Ldb1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Ldb1. BG144_A610008_Ldb1 (2554 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg148cebpahpc7Pk shortLabel BG148 Cebpa HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cebpa. BG148_Cebpa_HPC7 (275 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexBg149a730005cmycPk shortLabel BG149 A730005 cMyc longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Myc. BG149_A730005_cMyc (3652 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Myc parent codexChipPk track codexBg153a840003stat5Pk shortLabel BG153 A840003 Stat5 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7, TPO treated. Stat5a/b. BG153_A840003_Stat5 (913 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7_TPO_treated factor=Stat5 parent codexChipPk track codexBg155a840005cebpbPk shortLabel BG155 A840005 Cebpb longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cebpb. BG155_A840005_Cebpb (1901 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Cebpb parent codexChipPk track codexBg156a840006elf1Pk shortLabel BG156 A840006 Elf1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Elf1. BG156_A840006_Elf1 (4013 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Elf1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg157a840007junPk shortLabel BG157 A840007 Jun longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Jun. BG157_A840007_Jun (530 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Jun parent codexChipPk track codexBg158a840008a910001maxPk shortLabel BG158 A840008 A910001 Max longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Max. BG158_A840008_A910001_Max (996 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Max parent codexChipPk track codexBg160b020001cfosPk shortLabel BG160 B020001 cFos longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Fos. BG160_B020001_cFos (1057 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Fos parent codexChipPk track codexBg163p53hpc7Pk shortLabel BG163 p53 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Trp53. BG163_p53_HPC7 (98 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Trp53 parent codexChipPk track codexBg170d080002e2f4Pk shortLabel BG170 D080002 E2f4 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. E2f4. BG170_D080002_E2f4 (1917 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=E2f4 parent codexChipPk track codexBg171d080003mybhpc7Pk shortLabel BG171 D080003 Myb HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Myb. BG171_D080003_Myb_HPC7 (310 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Myb parent codexChipPk track codexBg196slx6310slx7899fli1cd41Pk shortLabel BG196 SLX6310 SLX7899 Fli1 CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Fli1. BG196_SLX6310_SLX7899_Fli1_CD41 (3064 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Fli1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg205bg289gata1cd41Pk shortLabel BG205 BG289 Gata1 CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Gata1. BG205_BG289_Gata1_CD41 (250 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg206bg287cebpbcd41Pk shortLabel BG206 BG287 CEBPb CD41 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Cebpb. BG206_BG287_CEBPb_CD41 (2716 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Cebpb parent codexChipPk track codexBg225slx7038egr1Pk shortLabel BG225 SLX7038 Egr1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Egr1. BG225_SLX7038_Egr1 (734 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Egr1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg253slx7050gfi1Pk shortLabel BG253 SLX7050 Gfi1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Gfi1. BG253_SLX7050_Gfi1 (1779 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gfi1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg256slx7051gfi1bPk shortLabel BG256 SLX7051 Gfi1b longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Gfi1b. BG256_SLX7051_Gfi1b (1564 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipPk track codexBg258slx7051rad21Pk shortLabel BG258 SLX7051 Rad21 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Rad21. BG258_SLX7051_Rad21 (35765 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Rad21 parent codexChipPk track codexBg260slx7355eto2Pk shortLabel BG260 SLX7355 Eto2 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Cbfa2t3. BG260_SLX7355_Eto2 (9239 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipPk track codexBg26pu1hpc7Pk shortLabel BG26 PU1 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Spi1. BG26_PU1_HPC7 (10927 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg286slx7413meis1cd41positivePk shortLabel BG286 SLX7413 Meis1 CD41 positive longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Meis1. BG286_SLX7413_Meis1_CD41_positive (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Meis1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg292slx7416nfe2hpc7Pk shortLabel BG292 SLX7416 Nfe2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Nfe2. BG292_SLX7416_Nfe2_HPC7 (1170 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Nfe2 parent codexChipPk track codexBg316slx7901gata2hpc7Pk shortLabel BG316 SLX7901 Gata2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gata2. BG316_SLX7901_Gata2_HPC7 (4266 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Gata2 parent codexChipPk track codexBg43lmo2hpc7Pk shortLabel BG43 Lmo2 HPC7 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Lmo2. BG43_Lmo2_HPC7 (5202 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Lmo2 parent codexChipPk track codexBg61bg61rrunx1hpPk shortLabel BG61 BG61r Runx1 HP longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] VE-cadherin- CD41+ (ES cell derived). Runx1. BG61_BG61r_Runx1_HP (1196 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Runx1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg8353073ctcfPk shortLabel BG83 5307 3 CTCF longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Ctcf. BG83_5307_3_CTCF (43804 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexBg8753078e2aPk shortLabel BG87 5307 8 E2A longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Tcf3. BG87_5307_8_E2A (5858 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Tcf3 parent codexChipPk track codexBg9155035stat1pPk shortLabel BG91 5503 5 Stat1P longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat1. BG91_5503_5_Stat1P (1473 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexBg9255036stat3Pk shortLabel BG92 5503 6 Stat3 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat3. BG92_5503_6_Stat3 (14116 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat3 parent codexChipPk track codexBg9856848gfi1bPk shortLabel BG98 5684 8 Gfi1b longLabel Leukemogenic. [CL] J2E Immature Erythroid. Gfi1b. BG98_5684_8_Gfi1b (5123 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=J2E_Immature_Erythroid factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipPk track codexChd2gsm912929melPk shortLabel CHD2 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Chd2. CHD2_GSM912929_MEL (5520 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Chd2 parent codexChipPk track codexCtcfgsm912896melPk shortLabel CTCF MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. CTCF_GSM912896_MEL (43401 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexD340001gata2Pk shortLabel D340001 Gata2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Gata2. D340001_Gata2 (544 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gata2 parent codexChipPk track codexD340002lmo2Pk shortLabel D340002 Lmo2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived) . Lmo2. D340002_Lmo2 (3005 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Lmo2 parent codexChipPk track codexD340003pu1Pk shortLabel D340003 Pu1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Spi1. D340003_Pu1 (10968 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexD340004sclPk shortLabel D340004 Scl longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Tal1. D340004_Scl (7143 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexD440004runx1Pk shortLabel D440004 Runx1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] CD41+ (ES cell derived). Runx1. D440004_Runx1 (978 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Runx1 parent codexChipPk track codexErx20618587gata1ter119negPk shortLabel ERX206185 87 Gata 1 Ter119 neg longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119- Erythroblasts. Gata1. ERX206185_87_Gata_1_Ter119_neg (31876 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=Ter119-_Erythroblasts factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexErx20618689gata1ter119posPk shortLabel ERX206186 89 Gata 1 Ter119 pos longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Gata1. ERX206186_89_Gata_1_Ter119_pos (9509 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexEto2erx002124melPk shortLabel Eto2 ERX002124 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t3. Eto2_ERX002124_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipPk track codexEto2erx002126melPk shortLabel Eto2 ERX002126 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t3. Eto2_ERX002126_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t3 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1054815gsm1187162cebpaPk shortLabel HPC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cebpa. GSM1054815_GSM1187162_Cebpa (949 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1090229tbx3Pk shortLabel ES_cell_derived_EBs Tbx3 longLabel Embryoid bodies. [PC] ES cell derived EBs. Tbx3. GSM1090229_Tbx3 (2760 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=ES_cell_derived_EBs factor=Tbx3 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1090231nanogPk shortLabel ES_cell_derived_EBs Nanog longLabel Embryoid bodies. [PC] ES cell derived EBs. Nanog. GSM1090231_Nanog (11948 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=ES_cell_derived_EBs factor=Nanog parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1103355runx1Pk shortLabel Megakaryocyte Runx1 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Runx1. GSM1103355_Runx1 (8026 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Runx1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1103356ep300Pk shortLabel Megakaryocyte Ep300 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Ep300. GSM1103356_Ep300 (2868 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Ep300 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm114280910cebpaPk shortLabel GMP Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] GMP (Cebpa flox/flox). Cebpa. GSM1142809_10_Cebpa (15176 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=GMP factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1151145ctcfPk shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Ctcf. GSM1151145_Ctcf (35453 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1151146gata1Pk shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Gata1. GSM1151146_Gata1 (3243 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1151147nfe2Pk shortLabel Ter119+_Erythrocytes Nfe2 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Ter119+ Erythrocytes. Nfe2. GSM1151147_Nfe2 (3564 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=Ter119p_Erythrocytes factor=Nfe2 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1165493klf1Pk shortLabel Erythroblast Klf1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Klf1. GSM1165493_Klf1 (4814 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast factor=Klf1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm11871634cebpaPk shortLabel HPC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cebpa. GSM1187163_4_Cebpa (12986 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1223648cebpaPk shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Cebpa longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Cebpa. GSM1223648_Cebpa (29538 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1409206hoxa9Pk shortLabel HSC Hoxa9 longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. Hoxa9. GSM1409206_Hoxa9 (2964 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=HSC factor=Hoxa9 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1409207cebpaPk shortLabel HSC Cebpa longLabel Haematopoietic Stem Cell. [PC] HSC. Cebpa. GSM1409207_Cebpa (10230 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HSC factor=Cebpa parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533397gcgrPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533397_Gcgr ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533398pparaPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533398_Ppara ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533399gcgrPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533399_Gcgr ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533400pparaPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533400_Ppara ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533401gcgrPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Gcgr longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Gcgr. GSM1533401_Gcgr ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Gcgr parent codexChipPk track codexGsm1533402pparaPk shortLabel burst-forming_unit_erythroid Ppara longLabel Erythroid. [PC] burst-forming unit erythroid (BFU-E). Ppara. GSM1533402_Ppara ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=burst-forming_unit_erythroid factor=Ppara parent codexChipPk track codexGsm417015gata1Pk shortLabel MEL86_erythroid Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] MEL86 erythroid. Gata1. GSM417015_Gata1 (1172 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL86_erythroid factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm419049bcl6Pk shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM419049_Bcl6 (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm419052pol2Pk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage Pol2 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Polr2a. GSM419052_Pol2 (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Polr2a parent codexChipPk track codexGsm453997gata1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM453997_Gata1 (4559 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm464634sclPk shortLabel Erythroblast Scl longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Tal1. GSM464634_Scl (2934 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm464636sclPk shortLabel Erythroblast_RER Scl longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast RER. Tal1. GSM464636_Scl (816 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast_RER factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm539541smad3escellsPk shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539541_Smad3_ESCells (579 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm539542smad3escellsPk shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539542_Smad3_ESCells (897 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm539549smad3escellsPk shortLabel PC Smad3 ESCells longLabel ES cells. PC. Smad3. GSM539549_Smad3_ESCells (245 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=PC factor=Smad3 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm5458825sfpi1Pk shortLabel MEL Sfpi1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitors. [CL] MEL (Gata1/ER). Spi1. GSM545882_5_Sfpi1 (8191 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm54588891sfpi1Pk shortLabel PCL Sfpi1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Spi1. GSM545888_91_Sfpi1 (5113 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552233fli1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Fli1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Fli1. GSM552233_Fli1 (18796 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Fli1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552234gata2Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Gata2 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gata2. GSM552234_Gata2 (2796 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Gata2 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552235gfi1bPk shortLabel HPC-7 Gfi1b longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Gfi1b. GSM552235_Gfi1b (3279 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Gfi1b parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552238lyl1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Lyl1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Lyl1. GSM552238_Lyl1 (3432 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Lyl1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552239meis1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Meis1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Meis1. GSM552239_Meis1 (7690 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Meis1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552240sfpi1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Sfpi1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Spi1. GSM552240_Sfpi1 (18249 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552241runx1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Runx1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Runx1. GSM552241_Runx1 (5992 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Runx1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm552242tal1Pk shortLabel HPC-7 Tal1 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Tal1. GSM552242_Tal1 (7596 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm611113p65Pk shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages p65 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Rela. GSM611113_p65 (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Rela parent codexChipPk track codexGsm611114gsm611115bcl6Pk shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM611114_GSM611115_Bcl6 (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm611116-7relaPk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated -7 Rela longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Rela. GSM611116-7_Rela (11550 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Rela parent codexChipPk track codexGsm641909ldb1Pk shortLabel HPC Ldb1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Ldb1. GSM641909_Ldb1 (2024 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm641910tal1Pk shortLabel HPC Tal1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Tal1. GSM641910_Tal1 (6348 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm641911gata2Pk shortLabel HPC Gata2 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Gata2. GSM641911_Gata2 (2368 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Gata2 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm700739bcl11aPk shortLabel MEL Bcl11a longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Bcl11a. GSM700739_Bcl11a ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Bcl11a parent codexChipPk track codexGsm700740hlcsPk shortLabel MEL Hlcs longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Hlcs. GSM700740_Hlcs ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Hlcs parent codexChipPk track codexGsm722387gata2Pk shortLabel G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Gata2 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1E, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Gata2. GSM722387_Gata2 (15683 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Gata2 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm722388smad1Pk shortLabel G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Smad1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1E, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Smad1. GSM722388_Smad1 (10785 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Smad1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm722390gata1Pk shortLabel G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1ER, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Gata1. GSM722390_Gata1 (9473 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm722391smad1Pk shortLabel G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated Smad1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [CL] G1ER, beta estradiol and rhBMP4 treated. Smad1. GSM722391_Smad1 (1999 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=G1ER_beta_estradiol_and_rhBMP4_treated factor=Smad1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm7465556tal1Pk shortLabel G1E Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Tal1. GSM746555_6_Tal1 (6589 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm746568gata1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM746568_Gata1 (3597 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm7465712tal1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Tal1. GSM746571_2_Tal1 (2695 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm7465812gata1Pk shortLabel Erythroblast Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Gata1. GSM746581_2_Gata1 (4532 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm7465834tal1Pk shortLabel Erythroblast Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Tal1. GSM746583_4_Tal1 (3623 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm773994tcf7Pk shortLabel EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor Tcf7 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [CL] EML lympho-hematopoietic progenitor. Tcf7. GSM773994_Tcf7 (9219 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor factor=Tcf7 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm773995gsm773996runx1Pk shortLabel EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor Runx1 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [CL] EML lympho-hematopoietic progenitor. Runx1. GSM773995_GSM773996_Runx1 (6103 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=EML_lympho-hematopoietic_progenitor factor=Runx1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838681stat1Pk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. GSM838681_Stat1 (23124 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838683stat16hifngPk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated Stat1 6h IFNg longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. GSM838683_Stat1_6h_IFNg (24604 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838685stat16hifnbPk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNb_treated Stat1 6h IFNb longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNb treated. Stat1. GSM838685_Stat1_6h_IFNb (28876 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNb_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838687stat1ikkPk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages Stat1 ikk longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-). Stat1. GSM838687_Stat1_ikk (26928 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838689stat1Pk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNg_treated Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-), IFNg treated. Stat1. GSM838689_Stat1 (24485 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm838691stat1Pk shortLabel Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNb_treated Stat1 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophages (Ikbke-/-), IFNb treated. Stat1. GSM838691_Stat1 (26734 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophages_IFNb_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm840466hoxb4escellsd6Pk shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d6 longLabel Haematopoietic precursors and progenitors. [PCL] Day 6 embryoid body cells (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840466_HoxB4_ESCells_d6 (2763 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm840468hoxb4escellsd10Pk shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d10 longLabel Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. [PCL] Day 16 culture (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840468_HoxB4_ESCells_d10 (5802 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm840470hoxb4escellsd26Pk shortLabel PCL HoxB4 ESCells d26 longLabel Haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. [PCL] Day 26 culture (HoxB4 expressing CCE ES cell derived). Hoxb4. GSM840470_HoxB4_ESCells_d26 (30689 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Hoxb4 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm851557bcl6Pk shortLabel Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages Bcl6 longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone marrow derived macrophages. Bcl6. GSM851557_Bcl6 (N/A peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_marrow_derived_macrophages factor=Bcl6 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm8671567gata1Pk shortLabel PCL Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Gata1. GSM867156_7_Gata1 (4723 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm8671585960gata1Pk shortLabel PCL Gata1 longLabel Erythroid Progenitor. [PCL] Erythroid progenitors (ES cell derived). Gata1. GSM867158_59_60_Gata1 (4018 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm897224gata1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM897224_Gata1 (4684 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm898200cbx7Pk shortLabel HPC Cbx7 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cbx7. GSM898200_Cbx7 (1693 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Cbx7 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm898201cbx8Pk shortLabel HPC Cbx8 longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PC] HPC. Cbx8. GSM898201_Cbx8 (5689 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC factor=Cbx8 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm918744ctcfPk shortLabel MEL CTCF longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. GSM918744_CTCF (31029 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923570ctcfPk shortLabel G1E Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Ctcf. GSM923570_Ctcf (12072 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923571ctcfPk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Ctcf longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Ctcf. GSM923571_Ctcf (21740 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923572gata1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Gata1. GSM923572_Gata1 (6600 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923573ctcfPk shortLabel MEL Ctcf longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ctcf. GSM923573_Ctcf (32969 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Ctcf parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923575gata1Pk shortLabel Erythroblast Gata1 longLabel Erythroid. [PC] Erythroblast. Gata1. GSM923575_Gata1 (5480 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Erythroblast factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923576tal1Pk shortLabel G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E-ER4, estradiol treated. Tal1. GSM923576_Tal1 (3319 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E-ER4_estradiol_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923578tal1Pk shortLabel MEL Tal1 longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] MEL. Tal1. GSM923578_Tal1 (11214 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923579tal1Pk shortLabel G1E Tal1 longLabel Erythroid. [CL] G1E. Tal1. GSM923579_Tal1 (4771 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=G1E factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexGsm923586gata1Pk shortLabel Megakaryocyte Gata1 longLabel Megakaryocyte. [PC] Megakaryocyte. Gata1. GSM923586_Gata1 (2324 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Megakaryocyte factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGata1bg326bg326rebPk shortLabel Gata1 BG326 BG326r EB longLabel Haematopoietic progenitor. [PCL] Primitive haematopoietic cells (ES cell derived - Runx1+ Gata1+). Gata1. Gata1_BG326_BG326r_EB (4171 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=PCL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGata1erx002128melPk shortLabel Gata1 ERX002128 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Gata1. Gata1_ERX002128_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGata1erx002130melPk shortLabel Gata1 ERX002130 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Gata1. Gata1_ERX002130_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexGata1gsm912907melPk shortLabel Gata1 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Gata1. Gata1_GSM912907_MEL (50414 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Gata1 parent codexChipPk track codexJunbgsm1022318utbmdmPk shortLabel JunB Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Junb. JunB_GSM1022318_UT_BMDM (4666 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Junb parent codexChipPk track codexJunbgsm1022319lps4hbmdmPk shortLabel JunB Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Junb. JunB_GSM1022319_LPS_4h_BMDM (35055 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Junb parent codexChipPk track codexJundgsm912915melPk shortLabel JunD MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Jund. JunD_GSM912915_MEL (2092 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Jund parent codexChipPk track codexLdb1erx002132melPk shortLabel Ldb1 ERX002132 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Ldb1. Ldb1_ERX002132_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipPk track codexLdb1erx002134melPk shortLabel Ldb1 ERX002134 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] C88 MEL. Ldb1. Ldb1_ERX002134_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Ldb1 parent codexChipPk track codexMafkgsm912899melPk shortLabel MafK MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Mafk. MafK_GSM912899_MEL (7367 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Mafk parent codexChipPk track codexMaxgsm912919melPk shortLabel Max MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Max. Max_GSM912919_MEL (15984 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Max parent codexChipPk track codexMtgr1erx002140melPk shortLabel Mtgr1 ERX002140 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL, DMSO treated. Cbfa2t2. Mtgr1_ERX002140_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Cbfa2t2 parent codexChipPk track codexMtgr1erx002142melPk shortLabel Mtgr1 ERX002142 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Cbfa2t2. Mtgr1_ERX002142_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Cbfa2t2 parent codexChipPk track codexMxi1gsm912928melPk shortLabel Mxi1 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Mxi1. Mxi1_GSM912928_MEL (26574 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Mxi1 parent codexChipPk track codexNelfegsm912932melPk shortLabel NELFe MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Rdbp. NELFe_GSM912932_MEL (13667 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Rdbp parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022260stat6koctrlutbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat6ko ctrl UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022260_stat6ko_ctrl_UT_BMDM (64066 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022261stat6koctrlil44hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated stat6ko ctrl IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO), IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022261_stat6ko_ctrl_IL4_4h_BMDM (58119 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022262stat6koutbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat6ko UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022262_stat6ko_UT_BMDM (63658 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022263stat6koil44hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated stat6ko IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat6 KO), IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022263_stat6ko_IL4_4h_BMDM (63579 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022280stat1koctrlutbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat1ko ctrl UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022280_stat1ko_ctrl_UT_BMDM (51669 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022281stat1koctrlifng4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated stat1ko ctrl IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO), IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022281_stat1ko_ctrl_IFNg_4h_BMDM (54259 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022282stat1koutbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage stat1ko UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO). Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022282_stat1ko_UT_BMDM (64343 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022283stat1koifng4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated stat1ko IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage (Stat1 KO), IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022283_stat1ko_IFNg_4h_BMDM (48287 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022310tcifngutbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage tc IFNg UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022310_tc_IFNg_UT_BMDM (51774 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022311tcifng30minbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022311_tc_IFNg_30min_BMDM (70375 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022312tcifng1hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022312_tc_IFNg_1h_BMDM (56234 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm1022313tcifng2hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM1022313_tc_IFNg_2h_BMDM (54969 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm94092425utbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940924_25_UT_BMDM (114432 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940926lps4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940926_LPS_4h_BMDM (91013 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940927lps24hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated LPS 24h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, LPS treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940927_LPS_24h_BMDM (97774 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_LPS_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940928ifng4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940928_IFNg_4h_BMDM (101069 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940929il44hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940929__IL4_4h_BMDM (100380 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940930tnfa4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TNFa_treated TNFa 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, TNFa treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940930_TNFa_4h_BMDM (104224 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TNFa_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940931tgfb14hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TGFb1_treated TGFb1 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, TGFb1 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940931_TGFb1_4h_BMDM (102292 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_TGFb1_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940932il1b4hbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-1b_treated IL1b 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-1b treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940932_IL1b_4h_BMDM (103473 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-1b_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940933malp2bmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_MALP2_treated MALP2 BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, MALP2 treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940933_MALP2_BMDM (102614 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_MALP2_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexPu.1gsm940934cpgbmdmPk shortLabel PU.1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_CpG_treated CpG BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, CpG treated. Spi1. PU.1_GSM940934_CpG_BMDM (104075 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_CpG_treated factor=Spi1 parent codexChipPk track codexRad21gsm912933dmsomelPk shortLabel Rad21 MEL_DMSO_treated DMSO MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL, DMSO treated. Rad21. Rad21_GSM912933_DMSO_MEL (30532 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 166,206,227 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Rad21 parent codexChipPk track codexRad21gsm912935melPk shortLabel Rad21 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Rad21. Rad21_GSM912935_MEL (30942 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Rad21 parent codexChipPk track codexSmc3gsm912923melPk shortLabel SMC3 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Smc3. SMC3_GSM912923_MEL (25786 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Smc3 parent codexChipPk track codexSclerx002136melPk shortLabel Scl ERX002136 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL. Tal1. Scl_ERX002136_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexSclerx002138melPk shortLabel Scl ERX002138 MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic . [CL] C88 MEL, DMSO treated. Tal1. Scl_ERX002138_MEL ( peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=C88_MEL_DMSO_treated factor=Tal1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022314tcifngutbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage tc IFNg UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022314_tc_IFNg_UT_BMDM (1299 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022315tcifng30minbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022315_tc_IFNg_30min_BMDM (16398 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 227,26,28 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022316tcifng1hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022316_tc_IFNg_1h_BMDM (13717 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022317tcifng2hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated tc IFNg 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IFNg treated. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022317_tc_IFNg_2h_BMDM (21508 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IFNg_treated factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022320utbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage UT BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022320_UT_BMDM (312 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat1gsm1022321ifng4hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat1 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage IFNg 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage. Stat1. Stat1_GSM1022321_IFNg_4h_BMDM (2441 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage factor=Stat1 parent codexChipPk track codexStat6gsm1022301tcil415minbmdmPk shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 15min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022301_tc_IL4_15min_BMDM (15461 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 251,154,153 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipPk track codexStat6gsm1022302tcil430minbmdmPk shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 30min BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022302_tc_IL4_30min_BMDM (11684 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 253,191,111 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipPk track codexStat6gsm1022303tcil41hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 1h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022303_tc_IL4_1h_BMDM (14551 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 202,178,214 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipPk track codexStat6gsm1022304tcil42hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 2h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022304_tc_IL4_2h_BMDM (14659 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipPk track codexStat6gsm1022305tcil44hbmdmPk shortLabel Stat6 Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated tc IL4 4h BMDM longLabel Macrophage. [PC] Bone Marrow Macrophage, IL-4 treated. Stat6. Stat6_GSM1022305_tc_IL4_4h_BMDM (14329 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=Bone_Marrow_Macrophage_IL-4_treated factor=Stat6 parent codexChipPk track codexTbpgsm912913melPk shortLabel TBP MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Tbp. TBP_GSM912913_MEL (20209 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 31,120,180 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Tbp parent codexChipPk track codexTg10b020004stat5Pk shortLabel TG10 B020004 Stat5 longLabel Multipotent myeloid progenitor. [CL] HPC-7. Stat5a/b. TG10_B020004_Stat5 (10509 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 178,223,138 subGroups view=peak cell=HPC-7 factor=Stat5 parent codexChipPk track codexUsf2gsm912892melPk shortLabel USF2 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Usf2. USF2_GSM912892_MEL (1956 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 51,160,44 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Usf2 parent codexChipPk track codexC-mybgsm912903melPk shortLabel c-Myb MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Myb. c-Myb_GSM912903_MEL (7338 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Myb parent codexChipPk track codexC-mycgsm912934melPk shortLabel c-Myc MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Myc. c-Myc_GSM912934_MEL (15695 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Myc parent codexChipPk track codexP300gsm912893melPk shortLabel p300 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ep300. p300_GSM912893_MEL (30589 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 255,127,0 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Ep300 parent codexChipPk track codexP300gsm912921melPk shortLabel p300 MEL MEL longLabel Mouse ErythroLeukaemic. [CL] MEL. Ep300. p300_GSM912921_MEL (36308 peaks) type bigBed bigDataUrl color 106,61,154 subGroups view=peak cell=MEL factor=Ep300 parent codexChipPk