track meryJM21nbp shortLabel Signal p-value longLabel FDR -log10(NB p-value) signal for joint run from May 2021 type bigWig 0 16 compositeTrack on visibility hide subGroup1 cell Cell Ave=Averge B=B CFUE=CFUE CFUMK=CFUMK CLP=CLP CMP=CMP ER4=ER4 ERY_ad=ERY_ad ERY_fl=ERY_fl G1E=G1E GMP=GMP HPC7=HPC7 iMEL=iMEL iMK=iMK LSK=LSK MEL=MEL MEP=MEP MK=MK MON=MON NEU=NEU NK=NK T_CD4=T_CD4 T_CD8=T_CD8 subGroup2 mark Mark ATAC=ATAC CTCF=CTCF H3K27ac=H3K27ac H3K27me3=H3K27me3 H3K36me3=H3K36me3 H3K4me1=H3K4me1 H3K4me3=H3K4me3 H3K9me3=H3K9me3 dimensions dimX=mark dimY=cell track meryJM21rc shortLabel Signal norm. counts longLabel Normalized read counts for joint run from May 2021 type bigWig 0 20 compositeTrack on visibility hide subGroup1 cell Cell Ave=Averge B=B CFUE=CFUE CFUMK=CFUMK CLP=CLP CMP=CMP ER4=ER4 ERY_ad=ERY_ad ERY_fl=ERY_fl G1E=G1E GMP=GMP HPC7=HPC7 iMEL=iMEL iMK=iMK LSK=LSK MEL=MEL MEP=MEP MK=MK MON=MON NEU=NEU NK=NK T_CD4=T_CD4 T_CD8=T_CD8 subGroup2 mark Mark ATAC=ATAC CTCF=CTCF H3K27ac=H3K27ac H3K27me3=H3K27me3 H3K36me3=H3K36me3 H3K4me1=H3K4me1 H3K4me3=H3K4me3 H3K9me3=H3K9me3 dimensions dimX=mark dimY=cell #Epigenetic_State/VBSJ_ES_J25_mm10/Tracks/trackDb_S3V2_IDEAS_mm10_r3_withHg38Mm10prior.txt track meryMm10f8Js25VIS shortLabel IDEAS human-mouse longLabel Human-Mouse joint segmentation with 25 states from May 2021 type bigBed 9 . compositeTrack on itemRgb on visibility dense maxItems 100000 priority 1 track ideasJointMay2021cCRE shortLabel cCREs longLabel cCREs for Human-Mouse joint segmentation with 25 states from May 2021 type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl noScoreFilter on visibility dense priority 2