#broadPeak type not working change to bed 5 + track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniform parent visionTfchip on shortLabel TFs PSU CHoP longLabel Transcription factor binding maps from Hardison (PSU), Blobel (CHoP), and related labs compositeTrack on group vision subGroup1 view Views Peaks=Peaks Signal=Signal subGroup2 cellType Cell LSK=LSK HPC7=HPC7 CMP=CMP MEP=MEP G1E=G1E G1E_ER4=G1E-ER4 G1E_ER4_E2=G1E-ER4+E2 CFUE=CFUE ERYFL=ERY_fl ERY=ERY CFUMk=CFUMk MEGAKARYO=MK_fl MEGAD=MK GMP=GMP MON=MON NEU=NEU CH12=CH12 TCD4=T_CD4 TCD8=T_CD8 liver=Fetal_Liver K1_ER=K1-ER MEL=MEL ES_E14=ES-E14 subGroup3 factor Factor IgG=IgG ATF4=ATF4 CK2A=CK2a cMyc=cMyc CTCF=CTCF FLI1=FLI1 FOG1=FOG1 H2Aub=H2AUbk119 HDAC1=HDAC1 HDAC3=HDAC3 KLF1=KLF1 OCT4=OCT4 POL24H8=Pol2-4H8 POL28WG16=Pol2-8WG16 POLII=PolII GATA1=GATA1 GATA1a=GATA1_(SC-265) TAL1=TAL1 TAL1SC12984=TAL1_(SC-12984) GATA2=GATA2 MBD3=MBD3 NANOG=NANOG PAX5=PAX5 SA1=SA1 SA2=SA2 SMC1=SMC1 SMC3=SMC3 SOX2=SOX2 SSBP2=SSBP2 SSBP3=SSBP3 SSBP4=SSBP4 SUZ12=SUZ12 BRD2=BRD2 BRD3=BRD3 BRD4=BRD4 BRD4S=BRD4S gH2AX=gH2AX HA=BRD2-HA BRD3_HA=BRD3-HA HIC2_HA=HIC2-HA CHD4=CHD4 RAD21=Rad21 Rad51=Rad51 RING1b=RING1b Ldb1=Ldb1 Nipbl=Nipbl p300=EP300 Topo=Topo YFP=YFP YY1=YY1 mCherry=mCherry LEO1=LEO1 LaminB1=LaminB1 MED1=MED1 MTA2=MTA2 NELFE=NELFE ZNF410=ZNF410 subGroup4 rep Replicate r1=1 r2=2 r3=3 r4=4 r5=5 pool=pool subGroup5 phz Phase_of_cell_cycle asyn=asynchronous pro=prometaphase ana=ana_telophase early=early-G1_phase mid=mid-G1_phase late=late-G1_phase subGroup6 mat Erythroid_Maturation_series no=no yes=yes subGroup7 deg Acute_degradation_series no=no yes=yes dimensions dimY=cellType dimX=factor dimA=rep dimB=phz dimC=deg dimD=mat filterComposite dimA dimB sortOrder cellType=+ factor=+ view=+ rep=+ fileSortOrder cell=Cell_Line antibody=Antibody view=View dragAndDrop subTracks visibilityViewDefaults Peaks=hide Signal=full noInherit on priority 0 type bed 3 #####Peak Tracks########### track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel Peaks view Peaks visibility hide #viewUi on parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniform signalFilter 0 signalFilterLimits 0:18241 pValueFilter 0 pValueFilterLimits 0:300 qValueFilter 0 qValueFilterLimits 0:300 minGrayLevel 5 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 17: TAL1 G1E longLabel 17: TAL1 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk17.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 74: TAL1 G1E longLabel 74: TAL1 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk74.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1ePoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: TAL1 G1E longLabel 17+74: TAL1 G1E Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk17p74.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 9+16: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 9+16: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk9p16.bb track meryTfbs673Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 673: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 673: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk673.bb track meryTfbs674Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk674.bb track meryTfbs9p16p673p674Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 9+16+673+674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk9p16p673p674.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 58: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 58: TAL1 ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk58.bb # 21Nov2010 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast rep1 id=58, mm10 9-26-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 107: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 107: TAL1 ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk107.bb # 30Apr2011 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast rep2 id=107, mm10 9-26-17 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep3Pk track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryPoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 58+107: TAL1 ERY fetal liver Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk58p107.bb # 21Nov2010 ln3 & 30Apr2011 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast pooled, mm10 9-26-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryPoolHcPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: TAL1 ERY_fl hc longLabel 58+107: TAL1 ERY fetal liver high confidence peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 238,44,44 # 21Nov2010 ln3 & 30Apr2011 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast pooled # reloaded July 9, 2012 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 28: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 28: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk28.bb # 12Nov2009 ln7 GATA2 ER4 rep1 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk32.bb # 01Feb2010 ln4 GATA2 ER4 rep2 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4PoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 28+32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 205,85,85 # 12Nov2009 ln7 & 01Feb2010 ln4 GATA2 ER4 pooled #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2MegsRep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 121: GATA2 MK_fl #longLabel 121: GATA2 MK_fl peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 # 23May2011 ln1 GATA2 Megs rep1, mfold 5 ## reloaded July 9, 2012 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 301: GATA2 G1E longLabel 301: GATA2 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk301.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 31: GATA2 G1E longLabel 31: GATA2 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk31.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1ePoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA2 G1E longLabel 301+31: GATA2 G1E Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 238,99,99 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepPeaksRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 26: CTCF G1E #longLabel 26: CTCF G1E peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk26.bb #mm10 9-20-17 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepPeaksRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 75: CTCF G1E #longLabel 75: CTCF G1E peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk75.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eCtcfME0S129InputPk table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: CTCF G1E longLabel 26+75: CTCF G1E Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk26p75.bb #mm9 from UCSC #mm10 updated 9-20-17 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepPeaksRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 25: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 25: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bed 5 + #color 205,85,85 # from UCSC #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepPeaksRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bed 5 + #color 205,85,85 # from UCSC #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputPk #table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 25+76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bed 5 + #color 205,85,85 ##mm9 from UCSC, mm10 9-20-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 44: CTCF MEL longLabel 44: CTCF MEL peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk44.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #longLabel CTCF MEL TFBS peaks shortLabel 69: CTCF MEL longLabel 69: CTCF MEL peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk69.bb #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelPoolPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #longLabel CTCF MEL TFBS Peaks pooled #shortLabel pool: CTCF MEL #longLabel 44+69: CTCF MEL Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk44p69.bb # 22Jun2010 ln4 & 14Dec2010 ln4 CTCF MEL pooled, mm10 9-20-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 35: CTCF CH12 longLabel 35: CTCF CH12 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk35.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 47: CTCF CH12 longLabel 47: CTCF CH12 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk47.bb #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12PoolPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF CH12 #longLabel 35+47: CTCF CH12 Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk35p47.bb # 01Feb2010 ln7 & 22Jun2010 ln7 CTCF CH12 pooled #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Ch12Rep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 83: Pol2-4H8 CH12 #longLabel 83: Pol2-4H8 CH12 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 153,38,0 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk83.bb # 04Feb2011 ln3 POLII 4H8 CH12 rep2 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8G1eRep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel G1E POLII 4H8 r1 pk #longLabel G1E POLII 4H8 TFBS peaks #shortLabel 20: Pol2-4H8 G1E #longLabel 20: Pol2-4H8 G1E peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk20.bb # 01Sept2009 ln4 POLII 4H8 G1E rep1 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8G1eRep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel G1E POLII 4H8 r2 pk #longLabel G1E POLII 4H8 TFBS peaks #shortLabel 43: Pol2-4H8 G1E #longLabel 43: Pol2-4H8 G1E peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk43.bb # 22Jun2010 ln3 POLII 4H8 G1E rep2 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8G1ePoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel G1E POLII 4H8 pool pk #longLabel G1E POLII 4H8 TFBS Peaks pooled shortLabel pool: Pol2-4H8 G1E longLabel 20+43: Pol2-4H8 G1E Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk20p43.bb # 01Sept2009 ln4 & 22Jun2010 ln3 POLII 4H8 G1E pooled #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 93: G1E POL2 8WG16 #longLabel 93: G1E POL2 8WG16 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bed 5 + #color 238,99,99 # 04Mar2011 ln5 POLII 8WG16 G1E rep1 # not in UCSC yet #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 110: G1E POL2 8WG16 #longLabel 110: G1E POL2 8WG16 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bed 5 + #color 238,99,99 # 30Apr2011 ln6 POLII 8WG16 G1E rep2 # not in UCSC yet #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel ER4 POL2 4H8 r1 #longLabel G1E-ER4+E2 POL2 4H8 TFBS peaks #shortLabel 19: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 19: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk19.bb # 01Sept2009 ln3 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep1 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel ER4 POLII 4H8 r2 pk #longLabel G1E-ER4+E2 POLII 4H8 TFBS peaks #shortLabel 30: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 30: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk30.bb # 01Feb2010 ln2 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep2 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep3Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel ER4 POLII 4H8 r3 pk #longLabel G1E-ER4+E2 POLII 4H8 TFBS Peaks rep 3 #shortLabel 45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks rep3 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk45.bb # 22Jun2010 ln5 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep3 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4PoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel ER4 POLII 4H8 pool pk #longLabel G1E-ER4+E2 POLII 4H8 TFBS Peaks pooled shortLabel pool: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 19+30+45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk19p30p45.bb # 01Sept2009 ln3 & 01Feb2010 ln2 & 22Jun2010 ln5 POLII 4H8 ER4 pooled #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16Er4Rep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 92: PolII 8WG16 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 92: PolII 8WG16 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bed 5 + #color 205,85,85 # 04Mar2011 ln4 POLII 8WG16 ER4 rep1 # not in UCSC yet track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepPeaksRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 51: GATA1 G1E longLabel 51: GATA1 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk51.bb # from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepPeaksRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 148: GATA1 G1E longLabel 148: GATA1 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk148.bb # from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eGata1aME0S129InputPk table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 G1E longLabel 51+148: GATA1 G1E Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk51p148.bb # from UCSC subId=5028 dateSubmitted=2011-10-27, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepPeaksRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 1: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 1: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1.bb #mm9 from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepPeaksRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk114.bb #mm9 from UCSC track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputPk table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 1+114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1p114.bb # from UCSC subId=4723 dateSubmitted=2011-08-09 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks ##shortLabel Megs GATA1 r1 pk ##longLabel GATA1 MK_fl (SC-265) TFBS peaks #shortLabel 49: GATA1 MK_fl #longLabel 49: GATA1 MK_fl peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk49.bb # 17Nov2010 ln2 GATA1 Megs rep1 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel Megs GATA1 r2 pk ##longLabel GATA1 MK_fl (SC-265) TFBS peaks #shortLabel 142: GATA1 MK_fl #longLabel 142: GATA1 MK_fl peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk142.bb # 15Jun2011 ln7 GATA1 Megs rep2 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep3Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 185: GATA1 MK_fl #longLabel 185: GATA1 MK_fl Peaks rep3 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk185.bb # not in UCSC yet Tejas Galaxy history 26.3_7 GATA1 megs Rep3 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsPoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 MK_fl longLabel 49+142: GATA1 MK_fl Peaks pooled rep1&2 subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk49p142.bb # 17Nov2010 ln2 & 15Jun2011 ln7 GATA1 Megs pooled #now has 3 should this be updated? track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsPoolHcPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 MK_fl hc longLabel GATA1 MK_fl high confidence peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 # 17Nov2010 ln2 & 15Jun2011 ln7 & 11Jan2012 ln3 GATA1 Megs pooled # reloaded July 9, 2012 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 57: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 57: GATA1 ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk57.bb # 21Nov2010 ln2 GATA1 ERY rep1 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 89: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 89: GATA1 ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk89.bb # 04Mar2011 ln1 GATA1 ERY rep2, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryPoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 57+89: GATA1 ERY fetal liver Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk57p89.bb # 21Nov2010 ln2 & 04Mar2011 ln1 GATA1 ERY pooled, mm10 9-21-17 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryPoolHcPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: GATA1 ERY_fl hc longLabel 57+89: GATA1 ERY fetal liver high confidence peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 238,44,44 # 21Nov2010 ln2 & 04Mar2011 ln1 GATA1 ERY pooled # reloaded July 9, 2012 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 122: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 122: FLI1 MK_fl peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk122.bb # 23May2011 ln2 FLI1 Megs rep1 # not in UCSC track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 147: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 147: FLI1 MK_fl peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk147.bb # 18Jul2011 ln4 FLI1 Megs rep2 # not in UCSC track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegPoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 122+147: FLI1 MK_fl Peaks pooled subGroups view=Peaks factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk122p147.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegPoolHcPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: FLI1 MK_fl hc longLabel 122+147: FLI1 MK_fl high confidence peaks pooled subGroups view=Peaks factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 50: TAL1 MK_fl longLabel 50: TAL1 MK_fl peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk50.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 105: TAL1 MK_fl longLabel 105: TAL1 MK_fl peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk105.bb # 30Apr2011 ln1 TAL1 Megs rep2 # not in UCSC track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep3Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 167: TAL1 MK_fl longLabel 167: TAL1 MK_fl Peaks rep3 subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk167.bb # 28Oct2011 ln1 TAL1 Megs rep3 # not in UCSC #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep4Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 187: TAL1 MK_fl r4 #longLabel 187: TAL1 MK_fl Peaks rep4 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r4 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk187.bb # not in UCSC Tejas Galaxy History 26.4_5 TAL1 megs Rep4 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsPoolHcPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: TAL1 MK_fl hc #longLabel TAL1 MK_fl high confidence peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 # not in UCSC pooled high confidence peaks # reloaded July 9, 2012 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsPoolPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: TAL1 MK_fl #longLabel 50+105+167: TAL1 MK_fl peaks from PSU #subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk50p105p167.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 r1 longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Rep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 r2 #longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 #no signal #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14PoolPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 #longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel NANOG ES-E14 r1 longLabel 280:NANOG ES-E14 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Rep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel NANOG ES-E14 r2 longLabel 320:NANOG ES-E14 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14PoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool:NANOG ES-E14 longLabel 280+320:NANOG ES-E14 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel OCT4 ES-E14 r1 longLabel 346:OCT4 ES-E14 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel OCT4 ES-E14 r2 longLabel 347:OCT4 ES-E14 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14PoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool:OCT4 ES-E14 longLabel 346+347:OCT4 ES-E14 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bed 5 + color 139,69,19 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep1Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 286: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 286: CTCF ES-E14 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 # #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep2Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 287: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 287: CTCF ES-E14 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14PoolPk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 286+287: CTCF ES-E14 Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bed 5 + #color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfLskRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 1295: CTCF LSK longLabel 1295: CTCF LSK peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 34,139,34 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1295.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfNeu100151Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100151: CTCF NEU longLabel 100151: CTCF NEU peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=NEU phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 79,148,205 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100151.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfHpc7100127Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100127: CTCF HPC7 longLabel 100127: CTCF HPC7 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=HPC7 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 255,127,0 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100127.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEry100146Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100146: CTCF ERY longLabel 100146: ERY (adult, spleen) CTCF peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 255,0,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100146.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCd4100157Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100157: CTCF T_CD4 longLabel 100157: CTCF T_CD4 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=TCD4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 122,55,139 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100157.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCd8100158Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100158: CTCF T_CD8 longLabel 100158: CTCF T_CD8 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=TCD8 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 104,34,139 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100158.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMono100164Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100164: CTCF MON longLabel 100164: CTCF MON peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MON phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 24,116,205 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100164.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMono100166Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100166: CTCF MON longLabel 100166: CTCF MON peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MON phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 color 24,116,205 type bigBed 6 + bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100166.bb #####Signal Tracks########### track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal shortLabel Signal view Signal visibility full #viewUi on subTrack wgEncodePsuTfbsUniform viewLimits 5:100 configurable on autoScale off maxHeightPixels 100:16:16 windowingFunction maximum track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 55: PAX5 CH12 longLabel 55: PAX5 CH12 subGroups view=Signal factor=PAX5 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 80.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 2:100 # 17Nov2010 ln8 PAX5 CH12 rep1 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Rep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Rep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 82: PAX5 CH12 longLabel 82: PAX5 CH12 subGroups view=Signal factor=PAX5 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 144.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 2:100 # 04Feb2011 ln2 PAX5 CH12 rep2 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Rep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Pool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: PAX5 CH12 longLabel 55+82: PAX5 CH12 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=PAX5 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 106.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 2:100 # 17Nov2010 ln8 & 04Feb2011 ln2 PAX5 CH12 pooled bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPax5Ch12Pool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 17: TAL1 G1E longLabel 17: TAL1 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 358.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:100 # 01Sep2009 ln1 TAL1 G1E rep1, update mm10 9-22-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 74: TAL1 G1E longLabel 74: TAL1 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 312.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:100 # 21Jan2011 ln1 TAL1 G1E rep2, update mm10 9-22-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1eRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1ePool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: TAL1 G1E longLabel 17+74: TAL1 G1E Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 326.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:200 # 01Sep2009 ln1 & 21Jan2011 ln1 TAL1 G1E pooled bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1G1ePool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 9+16: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 9+16: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 # 06Jul2009 ln2 * 21Jul2009 ln4 ln8 TAL1 ER4 combined rep1 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 37: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 37: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 # 18Mar2010 ln1 TAL1 ER4 rep2, poor quality #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Pool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel ER4 TAL1 #longLabel TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 # combined rep1 & 18Mar2010 ln1 TAL1 ER4 pooled #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep3 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel ER4 TAL1 r3 #longLabel TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal rep3(MiSeq) #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 # MiSeq run 9 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1Er4Rep3b #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 312: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 r3 #longLabel 312: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal rep3(run34) #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 track meryTfbs673 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 673: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 673: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig color 205,85,85 viewLimits 1:150 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs673.bw track meryTfbs674 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigWig color 205,85,85 viewLimits 1:150 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs674.bw track meryTfbs9p16p673p674 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 9+16+673+674: TAL1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig color 205,85,85 viewLimits 1:250 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs9p16p673p674.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep1 track meryTfbs58 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 58: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 58: TAL1 ERY Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 318.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 3:300 # 21Nov2010 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast rep1, mm10 9-26-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs58.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep1bio # 21Nov2010 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast rep1 biological (rep1+3) track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 107: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 107: TAL1 ERY fetal liver subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 336.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 3:300 # 30Apr2011 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast rep2, mm10 9-26-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryRep3 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 58r20: TAL1 ERY_fl #longLabel 58run20: TAL1 ERY fetal liver Signal rep3 #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.000000 270.000000 #color 238,44,44 #viewLimits 2:250 ## 23May2011 TAL1 ERY rep3 technical replicate or rep 1 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryPool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: TAL1 ERY_fl longLabel 58+107: TAL1 ERY fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 268.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 3:300 # 21Nov2010 ln3 & 30Apr2011 ln3 TAL1 Erythroblast pooled, mm10 9-26-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1EryPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 28: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 r1 longLabel 28: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 82.000000 color 205,85,85 viewLimits 1:20 # 12Nov2009 ln7 GATA2 ER4 rep1 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 r2 longLabel 32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 108.000000 color 205,85,85 viewLimits 1:20 # 01Feb2010 ln4 GATA2 ER4 rep2 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Rep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Pool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 28+32: GATA2 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 98.000000 color 205,85,85 viewLimits 2:20 # 12Nov2009 ln7 & 01Feb2010 ln4 GATA2 ER4 pooled bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2Er4Pool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2MegsRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 121: GATA2 MK_fl #longLabel 121: GATA2 MK_fl #subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 139,69,19 # 23May2011 ln1 GATA2 Megs rep1, mfold 5 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2MegsRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 301: GATA2 G1E longLabel 301: GATA2 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 78.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:20 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 31: GATA2 G1E longLabel 31: GATA2 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 104.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:20 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1eRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1ePool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA2 G1E longLabel 31+301: GATA2 G1E Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA2 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 128.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 2:20 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata2G1ePool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 26: CTCF G1E #longLabel 26: CTCF G1E #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 286.000000 #color 238,99,99 #viewLimits 1:50 ##mm10 updated 9-20-17 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 75: CTCF G1E #longLabel 75: CTCF G1E #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 170.000000 #color 238,99,99 #viewLimits 1:50 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eCtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eCtcfME0S129InputSig parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: CTCF G1E longLabel 26+75: CTCF G1E Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:50 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eCtcfME0S129InputSig.bw #old reference #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep1 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep1Un #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 25: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 25: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1 236 #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 ##mm10 updated 9-20-17 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep1Un.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1 232 #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 ##mm10 updated 9-20-17 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputRepSignalRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputSig #table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputSig #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 25+76: CTCF G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 244.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 1:100 ##mm9 from UCSC, mm10 9-20-17 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2CtcfME0S129InputSig.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1Mel371Sig #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 371: GATA1 MEL #longLabel 371: GATA1 MEL Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 326.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 2:300 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1Mel371Sig.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep1Sig #table wgEncodePsuTfbsMelTal1UImmortalC57bl6InputRepSignalRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 66: TAL1 MEL longLabel 66: TAL1 MEL subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 326.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:300 #from UCSC, update mm10 9-22-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep1Sig.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep1Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 66: TAL1 MEL longLabel 66: TAL1 MEL peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk66.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep2Sig #table wgEncodePsuTfbsMelTal1UImmortalC57bl6InputSig parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 81: TAL1 MEL longLabel 81: TAL1 MEL subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 342.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:300 #from UCSC, mm10 9-22-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep2Sig.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelRep2Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 81: TAL1 MEL longLabel 81: TAL1 MEL peaks rep2 subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk81.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelPool table wgEncodePsuTfbsMelTal1UImmortalC57bl6InputSig parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: TAL1 MEL longLabel 66+81: TAL1 MEL Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 346.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 2:300 #mm9 from UCSC, mm10 9-22-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MelPoolPk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: TAL1 MEL longLabel 66+81: TAL1 MEL peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=TAL1 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk66p81.bb track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 44: CTCF MEL longLabel 44: CTCF MEL subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 106.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:100 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 69: CTCF MEL longLabel 69: CTCF MEL subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 198.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:100 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelPool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF MEL #longLabel 44+69: CTCF MEL Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 254.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 1:100 # 22Jun2010 ln4 & 14Dec2010 ln4 CTCF MEL Pooled, mm10 9-20-17 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfMelPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 35: CTCF CH12 longLabel 35: CTCF CH12 subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:100 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 47: CTCF CH12 longLabel 47: CTCF CH12 subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 1:100 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Rep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Pool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF CH12 #longLabel 35+47: CTCF CH12 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 1:100 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCh12Pool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol2Ch12Rep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 83: Pol2-4H8 CH12 #longLabel 83: Pol2-4H8 CH12 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 153,38,0 # 04Feb2011 ln3 POLII 4H8 CH12 rep2 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol2Ch12Rep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 93: PolII 8WG16 G1E #longLabel 93: PolII 8WG16 G1E #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 238,99,99 # 04Mar2011 ln5 POLII 8WG16 G1E rep1 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 110: PolII 8WG16 G1E #longLabel 110: PolII 8WG16 G1E #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 238,99,99 # 30Apr2011 ln6 POLII 8WG16 G1E rep2 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16G1eRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 19: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 r1 #longLabel 19: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 88.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 5:50 ## 01Sept2009 ln3 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep1 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 30: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 30: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 86.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 5:50 # 01Feb2010 ln2 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep2 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep3 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal rep3 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.000000 120.000000 #color 205,85,85 #viewLimits 5:50 # 22Jun2010 ln5 POLII 4H8 ER4 rep3 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Rep3.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Pool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 19+30+45: Pol2-4H8 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 358.000000 color 205,85,85 viewLimits 5:50 # 01Sept2009 ln3 & 01Feb2010 ln2 & 22Jun2010 ln5 POLII 4H8 ER4 pooled bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8Er4Pool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16Er4Rep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 92: PolII 8WG16 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 92: PolII 8WG16 G1E-ER4+E2 TFBS #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL28WG16 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #color 205,85,85 # 04Mar2011 ln4 POLII 8WG16 ER4 rep1 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol28wg16Er4Rep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 42: Pol2-4H8 MEL #longLabel 42: Pol2-4H8 MEL #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 315.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 5:50 # 22Jun2010 ln2 POLII 4H8 MEL rep1 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelRep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 68: Pol2-4H8 MEL #longLabel 68: Pol2-4H8 MEL #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 86.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 5:50 # 14Dec2010 ln3 POLII 4H8 MEL rep2 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelPool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: Pol2-4H8 MEL #longLabel 42+68: Pol2-4H8 MEL Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POL24H8 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 186.000000 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 5:50 # 22Jun2010 ln2 & 14Dec2010 ln3 POLII 4H8 MEL pooled #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniPol24h8MelPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 51: GATA1 G1E longLabel 51: GATA1 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 88.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:100 # from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 148: GATA1 G1E longLabel 148: GATA1 G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 100.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 1:100 #mm9 from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eGata1aME0S129InputSig table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eGata1aME0S129InputSig parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA1 G1E longLabel 51+148: GATA1 G1E Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 104.000000 color 238,99,99 viewLimits 2:150 # subId=5028 dateSubmitted=2011-10-27 from UCSC, mm10 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eGata1aME0S129InputSig.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 1: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 1: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 200.000000 viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 #mm10 update 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 206.000000 viewLimits 1:150 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputRepSignalRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputSig table wgEncodePsuTfbsG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputSig parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 1+114: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 212.000000 viewLimits 2:150 color 205,85,85 # subId=4723 dateSubmitted=2011-08-09 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniG1eer4e2Gata1aME0S129InputSig.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 49: GATA1 MK_fl longLabel 49: GATA1 MK_fl subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 5:50 # 17Nov2010 ln2 GATA1 Megs rep1 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 142: GATA1 MK_fl longLabel 142: GATA1 MK_fl subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 5:50 # 15Jun2011 ln7 GATA1 Megs rep2 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep3 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 185: GATA1 MK_fl #longLabel 185: GATA1 MK_fl Signal rep3 #subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.0 100.0 #color 139,69,19 #viewLimits 5:50 # Not in UCSC yet Tejas Galaxy history 26.3_7 GATA1 megs Rep3 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsRep3.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsPool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA1 MK_fl longLabel 49+142: GATA1 MK_fl Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 139,69,19 viewLimits 5:50 # 17Nov2010 ln2 & 15Jun2011 ln7 GATA1 Megs pooled bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1MegsPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 57: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 57: GATA1 ERY fetal liver subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 1:150 # 21Nov2010 ln2 GATA1 ERY rep1, mm10 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 89: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 89: GATA1 ERY fetal liver subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 1:150 # 04Mar2011 ln1 GATA1 ERY rep2, mm10 9-21-17 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryPool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: GATA1 ERY_fl longLabel 57+89: GATA1 ERY fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.000000 248.000000 color 238,44,44 viewLimits 2:150 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniGata1EryPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 122: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 122: FLI1 MK_fl subGroups view=Signal factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 4:35 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 147: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 147: FLI1 MK_fl subGroups view=Signal factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 3:35 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegRep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegPool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: FLI1 MK_fl longLabel 122+147: FLI1 MK_fl Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=FLI1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig viewLimits 7:40 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniFli1MegPool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 50: TAL1 MK_fl #longLabel 50: TAL1 MK_fl #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #viewLimits 1:150 #color 139,69,19 # 17Nov2010 ln3 TAL1 Megs rep1 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 105: TAL1 MK_fl #longLabel 105: TAL1 MK_fl #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #viewLimits 1:150 #color 139,69,19 # 30Apr2011 ln1 TAL1 Megs rep2 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep3 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 167:Meg TAL1 #longLabel 167: TAL1 MK_fl Signal rep3 #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig 1.000000 154.000000 #viewLimits 1:150 #color 139,69,19 # 28Oct2011 ln1 TAL1 Megs rep3 # not in UCSC #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep3.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep4 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 187: TAL1 MK_fl #longLabel 187: TAL1 MK_fl Signal rep4 #subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r4 #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 # not in UCSC Galaxy History 26.4_5 TAL1 megs Rep4 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsRep4.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsPool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: TAL1 MK_fl longLabel 50+105+167: TAL1 MK_fl Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=TAL1 cellType=MEGAKARYO phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.0 154.0 viewLimits 1:150 color 139,69,19 #from Galaxy history bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniTal1MegsPool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 r1 longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 subGroups view=Signal factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Rep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Rep2 #no signal #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 r2 #longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 #subGroups view=Signal factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniSox2EsE14Pool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel SOX2 ES-E14 #longLabel SOX2 ES-E14 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=SOX2 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel NANOG ES-E14 r1 longLabel 280:NANOG ES-E14 subGroups view=Signal factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Rep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14320 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel NANOG ES-E14 r2 longLabel 320:NANOG ES-E14 subGroups view=Signal factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14320.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Rep2 #longLabel 345:NANOG ES-E14 #subGroups view=Signal factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #failed, low signal track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Pool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool:NANOG ES-E14 longLabel 280+320:NANOG ES-E14 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=NANOG cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniNanogEsE14Pool.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep1 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 286: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 286: CTCF ES-E14 #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep1.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep2 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 287: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 287: CTCF ES-E14 #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Rep2.bw #track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Pool #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF ES-E14 #longLabel 286+287: CTCF ES-E14 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.0 154.0 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEsE14Pool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 346:OCT4 ES-E14 longLabel 346:OCT4 ES-E14 subGroups view=Signal factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep2 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 347:OCT4 ES-E14 longLabel 347:OCT4 ES-E14 subGroups view=Signal factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Rep2.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Pool parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool:OCT4 ES-E14 longLabel 346+347:OCT4 ES-E14 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=OCT4 cellType=ES_E14 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig 1.0 154.0 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniOct4EsE14Pool.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfLskRep1 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 1295: CTCF LSK longLabel 1295: CTCF LSK subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig 1.000000 106.000000 color 34,139,34 viewLimits 1:100 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfLskRep1.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfNeu100151 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 100151: CTCF NEU longLabel 100151: CTCF NEU subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=NEU phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 79,148,205 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfNeu100151.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfHpc7100127 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 100127: CTCF HPC7 longLabel 100127: CTCF HPC7 subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=HPC7 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 255,127,0 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfHpc7100127.bw #trouble mapping this one track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEry100146 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 100146: CTCF ERY longLabel 100146: ERY (adult, spleen) CTCF subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 255,0,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfEry100146.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCd4100157 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 100157: CTCF T_CD4 longLabel 100157: CTCF T_CD4 subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=TCD4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 color 122,55,139 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCd4100157.bw track wgEncodePsuTfbsUniCtcfCd8100158 parent 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cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk668p669.bb #track meryTfbs523 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 523: PolII G1E-ER4 #longLabel 523: PolII G1E-ER4 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:50 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs523.bw #track meryTfbs523Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 523: PolII G1E-ER4 #longLabel 523: PolII G1E-ER4 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk523.bb #track meryTfbs646 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 646: PolII G1E-ER4 #longLabel 646: PolII G1E-ER4 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 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deg=no rep=r3 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk776.bb #track meryTfbs523p646p776 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: PolII G1E-ER4 #longLabel 523+646+776: PolII G1E-ER4 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:150 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs523p646p776.bw #track meryTfbs523p646p776Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 523+646+776: PolII G1E-ER4 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk523p646p776.bb #track meryTfbs522 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 522: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 522: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs522.bw #track meryTfbs522Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 522: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 522: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk522.bb #track meryTfbs645 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 645: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 645: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs645.bw #track meryTfbs645Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 645: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 645: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk645.bb #track meryTfbs775 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 775: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 775: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs775.bw track meryTfbs775Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 775: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 775: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk775.bb track meryTfbs522p645p775 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 522+645+775: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 Signal 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factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk20.bb #track meryTfbs43 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 43: PolII G1E #longLabel 43: PolII G1E #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:50 #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs43.bw #track meryTfbs43Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 43: PolII G1E #longLabel 43: PolII G1E #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk43.bb track meryTfbs20p43 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: PolII G1E longLabel 20+43: PolII G1E subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs20p43.bw track meryTfbs20p43Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: PolII G1E longLabel 20+43: PolII G1E subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk20p43.bb #track meryTfbs19 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 19: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 19: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:25 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs19.bw #track meryTfbs19Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 19: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 19: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk19.bb #track meryTfbs30 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 30: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 30: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:25 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs30.bw #track meryTfbs30Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 30: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 30: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk30.bb #track meryTfbs45 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:25 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs45.bw #track meryTfbs45Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r3 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk45.bb track meryTfbs19p30p45 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel pool: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 19+30+45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig viewLimits 5:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs19p30p45.bw track meryTfbs19p30p45Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 longLabel 19+30+45: PolII G1E-ER4+E2 subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk19p30p45.bb #track meryTfbs42 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 42: PolII MEL #longLabel 42: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:50 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs42.bw #track meryTfbs42Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 42: PolII MEL #longLabel 42: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk42.bb #track meryTfbs68 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 68: PolII MEL #longLabel 68: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 0:25 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs68.bw #track meryTfbs68Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 68: PolII MEL #longLabel 68: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk68.bb #track meryTfbs42p68 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: PolII MEL #longLabel 42+68: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig #viewLimits 5:50 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs42p68.bw #track meryTfbs42p68Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: PolII MEL #longLabel 42+68: PolII MEL #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk42p68.bb #track meryTfbs83 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel 83: PolII CH12 #longLabel 83: PolII CH12 #subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 5:70 #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs83.bw #track meryTfbs83Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 83: PolII CH12 #longLabel 83: PolII CH12 #subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 139,69,19 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk83.bb track meryTfbs100162 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100162: CTCF ERY_fl longLabel 100162: CTCF ERY fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig color 238,44,44 viewLimits 1:200 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100162.bw track meryTfbs100162Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100162: CTCF ERY_fl longLabel 100162: CTCF ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100162.bb track meryTfbs100163 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100163: CTCF ERY_fl longLabel 100163: CTCF ERY fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig color 238,44,44 viewLimits 1:200 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100163.bw track meryTfbs100163Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100163: CTCF ERY_fl longLabel 100163: CTCF ERY fetal liver peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100163.bb #track meryTfbs100162p100163 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF ERY_fl #longLabel 100162+100163: CTCF ERY fetal liver Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig #color 238,44,44 #viewLimits 1:100 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100162p100163.bw #track meryTfbs100162p100163Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF ERY_fl #longLabel 100162+100163: CTCF ERY fetal liver peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERYFL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,44,44 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100162p100163.bb #track meryTfbs100164p100166 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF MON #longLabel 100164+100166: CTCF MON Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MON phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #color 24,116,205 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100164p100166.bw #track meryTfbs100164p100166Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF MON #longLabel 100164+100166: CTCF MON peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MON phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #color 24,116,205 #type bigBed 6 + #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100164p100166.bb track meryTfbs422p423 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel pool: BRD4 G1E longLabel 422+423: BRD4 G1E Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=BRD4 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig color 238,99,99 viewLimits 0:10 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs422p423.bw track meryTfbs422p423Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel pool: BRD4 G1E longLabel 422+423: BRD4 G1E peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=BRD4 cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigBed 6 + color 238,99,99 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk422p423.bb #track meryTfbs1295p1299 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on #shortLabel pool: CTCF LSK #longLabel 1295+1299: CTCF LSK Signal #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bigWig 1.000000 106.000000 #color 34,139,34 #viewLimits 1:100 #track meryTfbs1295p1299Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel pool: CTCF LSK #longLabel 1295+1299: CTCF LSK Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool #type bed 5 + #color 34,139,34 #track meryTfbs1299Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 1299: CTCF LSK #longLabel 1299: CTCF LSK Peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bed 5 + #color 34,139,34 track meryTfbs100146 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100146: CTCF ERY longLabel 100146: CTCF ERY Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 255,0,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100146.bw track meryTfbs100146Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100146: CTCF ERY longLabel 100146: CTCF ERY Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 255,0,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100146.bb track meryTfbs100232 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100232: EP300 CH12 longLabel 100232: EP300 CH12 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100232.bw track meryTfbs100232Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100232: EP300 CH12 longLabel 100232: EP300 CH12 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100232.bb track meryTfbs100233 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100233: EP300 CH12 longLabel 100233: EP300 CH12 Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100233.bw track meryTfbs100233Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100233: EP300 CH12 longLabel 100233: EP300 CH12 Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=CH12 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100233.bb track meryTfbs100224 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100224: EP300 liver longLabel 100224: EP300 fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=liver phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100224.bw track meryTfbs100224Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100224: EP300 liver longLabel 100224: EP300 fetal liver Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=liver phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100224.bb track meryTfbs100226 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100226: EP300 liver longLabel 100226: EP300 fetal liver Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=liver phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100226.bw track meryTfbs100226Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100226: EP300 liver longLabel 100226: EP300 fetal liver Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=liver phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 238,44,44 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100226.bb track meryTfbs100228 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100228: EP300 MEL longLabel 100228: EP300 MEL Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100228.bw track meryTfbs100228Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100228: EP300 MEL longLabel 100228: EP300 MEL Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100228.bb track meryTfbs100230 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal on shortLabel 100230: EP300 MEL longLabel 100230: EP300 MEL Signal subGroups view=Signal factor=p300 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:200 color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs100230.bw track meryTfbs100230Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 100230: EP300 MEL longLabel 100230: EP300 MEL Peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=p300 cellType=MEL phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,69,19 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk100230.bb #track meryTfbs2225 #shortLabel 2225: ATF4 ER4 #longLabel 2225: ATF4 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #subGroups view=Signal factor=ATF4 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs2225.bw #track meryTfbs2226 #shortLabel 2226: ATF4 ER4 #longLabel 2226: ATF4 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #subGroups view=Signal factor=ATF4 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs2226.bw #track meryTfbs2228 #shortLabel 2228: ATF4 ER4 KO #longLabel 2228: ATF4 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr Bcl11a+55KO #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #subGroups view=Signal factor=ATF4 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs2228.bw #track meryTfbs2229 #shortLabel 2229: ATF4 ER4 KO #longLabel 2229: ATF4 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr Bcl11a+55KO #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #subGroups view=Signal factor=ATF4 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs2229.bw track meryTfbs1908 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 1908: CTCF iMk longLabel 1908: CTCF iMk subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEGAD phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 139,90,43 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1908.bw track meryTfbs1908Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 1908: CTCF iMk longLabel 1908: CTCF iMk peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEGAD phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,90,43 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1908.bb #track meryTfbs1925 #shortLabel 1925: CTCF G1E #longLabel 1925: CTCF G1E #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1925.bw #track meryTfbs1925Pk #shortLabel 1925: CTCF G1E #longLabel 1925: CTCF G1E peaks #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 238,99,99 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1925.bb track meryTfbs1976 shortLabel 1976: CTCF CMP longLabel 1976: CTCF CMP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CMP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 238,118,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1976.bw track meryTfbs1976Pk shortLabel 1976: CTCF CMP longLabel 1976: CTCF CMP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CMP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 238,118,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1976.bb track meryTfbs1977 shortLabel 1977: CTCF GMP longLabel 1977: CTCF GMP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=GMP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 0,139,139 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1977.bw track meryTfbs1977Pk shortLabel 1977: CTCF GMP longLabel 1977: CTCF GMP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=GMP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 0,139,139 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1977.bb track meryTfbs1978 shortLabel 1978: CTCF MEP longLabel 1978: CTCF MEP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 3:50 color 205,102,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1978.bw track meryTfbs1978Pk shortLabel 1978: CTCF MEP longLabel 1978: CTCF MEP parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEP phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,102,0 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1978.bb track meryTfbs1979 shortLabel 1979: CTCF CFU-Mk longLabel 1979: CTCF CFU-Mk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CFUMk phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 139,115,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1979.bw track meryTfbs1979Pk shortLabel 1979: CTCF CFU-Mk longLabel 1979: CTCF CFU-Mk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CFUMk phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 139,115,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1979.bb track meryTfbs1980 shortLabel 1980: CTCF CFU-E longLabel 1980: CTCF CFU-E parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=CFUE phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 255,48,48 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1980.bw track meryTfbs1980Pk shortLabel 1980: CTCF CFU-E longLabel 1980: CTCF CFU-E parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=CFUE phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 255,48,48 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1980.bb #track meryTfbs1909 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 1909: CTCF ERY #longLabel 1909: CTCF ERY #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1909.bw #track meryTfbs1909Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off #shortLabel 1909: CTCF ERY #longLabel 1909: CTCF ERY peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1909.bb #track meryTfbs1926 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 1926: CTCF ERY #longLabel 1926: CTCF ERY #subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1926.bw #track meryTfbs1926Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off #shortLabel 1926: CTCF ERY #longLabel 1926: CTCF ERY peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1926.bb track meryTfbs1920 shortLabel 1920: CTCF CTCF-AID+TIR longLabel 1920: CTCF CTCF-AID+TIR 7hr DRB parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=yes rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1920.bw track meryTfbs1920Pk shortLabel 1920: CTCF CTCF-AID+TIR longLabel 1920: CTCF CTCF-AID+TIR 7hr DRB peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=yes rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1920.bb track meryTfbs1927 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 1927: CTCF LSK longLabel 1927: CTCF LSK subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 34,139,34 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1927.bw track meryTfbs1927Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 1927: CTCF LSK longLabel 1927: CTCF LSK peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=LSK phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 34,139,34 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1927.bb track meryTfbs1910 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 1910: CTCF iMk longLabel 1910: CTCF iMk subGroups view=Signal factor=CTCF cellType=MEGAD phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 139,90,43 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs1910.bw track meryTfbs1910Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 1910: CTCF iMk longLabel 1910: CTCF iMk peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=CTCF cellType=MEGAD phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + color 139,90,43 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk1910.bb track meryTfbs84 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 84: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 84: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 14hr subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs84.bw track meryTfbs84Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 84: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 84: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 14hr peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk84.bb track meryTfbs70 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 70: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 70: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 0hr subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs70.bw track meryTfbs70Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off 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G1E-ER4+E2 7hr subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs72.bw track meryTfbs72Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 72: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 72: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 7hr peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbsPk72.bb track meryTfbs73 parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off shortLabel 73: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 73: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr subGroups view=Signal factor=GATA1 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=yes deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:100 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl https://newbadger.bx.psu.edu/downloads/mm10/bbi/meryTfbs73.bw track meryTfbs73Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off shortLabel 73: GATA1 ER4 longLabel 73: GATA1 G1E-ER4+E2 24hr peaks subGroups 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rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:120 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs1350.bw track meryTfbs1350Pk parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks shortLabel 1350:RAD21 ER4 longLabel 1350:RAD21 G1E-ER4 asynchronous rep1 peaks subGroups view=Peaks factor=RAD21 cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs1350Pk.bb color 205,85,85 #track meryTfbs1351 #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off #shortLabel 1351:Rad21 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 1351:G1E-ER4+E2 Rad21_T3_Asyn_2 #subGroups view=Signal factor=RAD21 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigWig #viewLimits 1:100 #color 205,85,85 #bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs1351.bw #track meryTfbs1351Pk #parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks #shortLabel 1351:Rad21 G1E-ER4+E2 #longLabel 1351:G1E-ER4+E2 Rad21_T3_Asyn_2 peaks #subGroups view=Peaks factor=RAD21 cellType=G1E_ER4_E2 phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 #type bigBed 6 + 3 #bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs1351Pk.bb #color 205,85,85 #track 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shortLabel 2059:POL2 ER4 ana longLabel 2059: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD ana/telophase (Noc 25min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=ana mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2059Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2060 shortLabel 2060:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2060: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2060.bw track meryTfbs2060Pk shortLabel 2060:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2060: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl /gbdb/mm10/bbi.private/meryTfbs2060Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2061 shortLabel 2061:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2061: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2061.bw track meryTfbs2061Pk shortLabel 2061:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2061: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2061Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2062 shortLabel 2062:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2062: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2062.bw track meryTfbs2062Pk shortLabel 2062:POL2 ER4 eG1 longLabel 2062: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD early-G1 (Noc 60min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=early mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2062Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2063 shortLabel 2063:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2063: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2063.bw track meryTfbs2063Pk shortLabel 2063:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2063: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2063Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2064 shortLabel 2064:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2064: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2064.bw track meryTfbs2064Pk shortLabel 2064:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2064: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2064Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2065 shortLabel 2065:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2065: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2065.bw track meryTfbs2065Pk shortLabel 2065:POL2 ER4 mG1 longLabel 2065: POL2 G1E-ER4 Rbp1NTD mid-G1 (Noc 120min) peaks parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewPeaks off subGroups view=Peaks factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=mid mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigBed 6 + 3 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2065Pk.bb color 205,85,85 track meryTfbs2366 shortLabel 2366: POL2 ER4 lG1 longLabel 2366: POL2 Rbp1NTD G1E-ER4 late-G1 (Noc 240min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=late mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2366.bw track meryTfbs2367 shortLabel 2367: POL2 ER4 lG1 longLabel 2367: POL2 Rbp1NTD G1E-ER4 late-G1 (Noc 240min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=late mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2367.bw track meryTfbs2368 shortLabel 2368: POL2 ER4 lG1 longLabel 2368: POL2 Rbp1NTD G1E-ER4 late-G1 (Noc 240min) parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=POLII cellType=G1E_ER4 phz=late mat=no deg=no rep=r3 type bigWig viewLimits 1:50 color 205,85,85 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryTfbs2368.bw track meryTfbs100110 shortLabel 100110: KLF1 K1-ER longLabel 100110(33): KLF1 ChIP-seq on K1-ER cell line parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=KLF1 cellType=K1_ER phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 0:100 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryEklfWig100110.bw track meryTfbs100120 shortLabel 100120: KLF1 K1-ER longLabel 100120(35): KLF1 ChIP-seq on K1-ER cell line parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=KLF1 cellType=K1_ER phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r2 type bigWig viewLimits 0:100 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryEklfWig100120.bw track meryTfbs100110p100120 shortLabel pool: KLF1 K1-ER longLabel 100110,1000120: KLF1 ChIP-seq on K1-ER cell line parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=KLF1 cellType=K1_ER phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=pool type bigWig viewLimits 0:100 bigDataUrl tfchip/meryEklfWigPool.bw track meryTfbsGse210779 shortLabel KLF1 ERY longLabel GSE210779: EKLF fetal liver E13.5 wt norm rpkm parent wgEncodePsuTfbsUniViewSignal off subGroups view=Signal factor=KLF1 cellType=ERY phz=asyn mat=no deg=no rep=r1 type bigWig viewLimits 0:100 bigDataUrl tfchip/GSE210779_EKLF_wt_norm_rpkm.bw #Need to run: 2055, 2056