include ideasJointMay2021.mm10.txt include ideasJointMay2021Signals.mm10.txt include ideasJointMay2021parents.mm10.txt include ccreByCell.txt include esRP.txt include visionSupport.txt #include visionRna.txt include rnaTracks.txt include meryDiffExpr.mm10.txt include gene-ccre.txt include sonication.txt include atac.txt track visionTfchip shortLabel TF ChIP-seq longLabel TF ChIP-seq superTrack on type bed 3 . group vision psuTrack 1 #include subtracks in files include codexParent.txt include perkinsTf.txt include tfchip.txt track meryBlackTest shortLabel Blacklists longLabel Blacklists of regions with excessive read mapping type bigBed 3 group vision compositeTrack on subGroup1 view Type all=Composite_blacklist cell=Cell_specific_blacklist psuTrack 1 track meryBlackComp parent meryBlackTest shortLabel Composite Blacklists view all visibility pack track meryBlack3Test shortLabel Composite blacklist longLabel Blacklist with MACs peaks and high signal windows parent meryBlackComp type bigBed 3 . bigDataUrl black/ subGroups view=all track meryBlackTestMacs3 shortLabel MACs peaks longLabel Merged peaks from MACs runs on inputs of each cell type parent meryBlackComp subGroups view=all track meryBlackENCFF547MET shortLabel ENCODE longLabel ENCODE blacklist for mm10 parent meryBlackComp type bigBed 3 . bigDataUrl black/ subGroups view=all track meryBlackCell shortLabel Cell specific blacklist parent meryBlackTest view cell visibility hide track meryBlackTest4 shortLabel ER4 longLabel Blacklist from ER4 input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4ch12 shortLabel CH12 longLabel Blacklist from CH12 input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4g1e shortLabel G1E longLabel Blacklist from G1E input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4ery shortLabel Ery longLabel Blacklist from Erythroid input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4cfue shortLabel CFU-E longLabel Blacklist from CFU-E input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4megs shortLabel Megs longLabel Blacklist from Megakaryocyte input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4mel shortLabel Mel longLabel Blacklist from Mel input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell track meryBlackTest4mep shortLabel Mep longLabel Blacklist from Mep input parent meryBlackCell subGroups view=cell