#supporting tracks for the VISION project, in browser and hub track meryFunctData shortLabel Functional Assays longLabel Functional Assays superTrack on type bigBed 9 . track meryFunctDataEnh parent meryFunctData shortLabel Tested enhancers longLabel Tested enhancers with response category, red is Enh, orange is Threshold, blue is NotEnh type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl meryFunctDataEnh.mm10.bb track meryKnownResEry parent meryFunctData shortLabel knownREs_Ery longLabel Annotated erythroid regulatory elements (REs) from literature, revised 2017Oct color 138,43,226 type bigBed 4 . bigDataUrl Known_REs_Eryth_2017_mm10.bb track meryHbbLocusGenes shortLabel Hbb genes longLabel Curated Hbb locus genes type bigBed 12 itemRgb on bigDataUrl MusHbbCustomGenesMm10.bb track meryOntad shortLabel OnTAD longLabel OnTAD compositeTrack on type bigBed 3 . configurable on track meryOntadG1ePool parent meryOntad shortLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 longLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 pooled, 10kb resolution type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl meryOntadG1ePool.bb track meryOntadG1eJoint parent meryOntad shortLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 joint longLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 pooled, 10kb resolution, joint TAD calling type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl meryOntadG1eJoint.bb track meryOntadG1ePoolB parent meryOntad shortLabel G1E-ER4 boundaries longLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 pooled boundaries, 10kb resolution type bigBed 4 . bigDataUrl meryOntadG1ePoolB.bb track meryOntadG1eJointB parent meryOntad shortLabel G1E-ER4 boundaries joint longLabel OnTAD G1E-ER4 pooled boundaries, 10kb resolution, joint TAD calling type bigBed 4 . bigDataUrl meryOntadG1eJointB.bb track meryOntadHpc7Pool parent meryOntad shortLabel OnTAD HPC7 longLabel OnTAD HPC7 pooled, 10kb resolution type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl meryOntadHpc7Pool.bb track meryOntadHpc7Joint parent meryOntad shortLabel OnTAD HPC7 joint longLabel OnTAD HPC7 pooled, 10kb resolution, joint TAD calling type bigBed 9 . itemRgb on bigDataUrl meryOntadHpc7Joint.bb track meryOntadHpc7PoolB parent meryOntad shortLabel HPC7 boundaries longLabel OnTAD HPC7 pooled boundaries, 10kb resolution type bigBed 4 . bigDataUrl meryOntadHpc7PoolB.bb track meryOntadHpc7JointB parent meryOntad shortLabel HPC7 boundaries joint longLabel OnTAD HPC7 pooled boundaries, 10kb resolution, joint TAD calling type bigBed 4 . bigDataUrl meryOntadHpc7JointB.bb